Archive | August, 2013

BB15: Episode 28 [SPOILERS!]

29 Aug

Hello, everyone! How are you all doing?

It’s BB Night!

Aaryn or Andy? We’ll see who leave the BB House tonight.

Aaryn has a feeling that she is going to go home.

Andy is freaking out that he is on the block. He now has a new plan for himself that doesn’t involve Amanda and McCrae

Aanda is now trying to talk to Elissa, and Elissa is not talking to her. Amanda tells her that she is very threatening and scary. She asks her how many doctors that she went to see about her face.

You’re just a bully, Amanda.

Amanda asks Andy why everyone likes Elissa

Spencer tells Amanda to chill out.

Andy says that Amanda’s behaviour towards Elissa is appalling. He says that he’s not gonna talk game with peoples.

Amanda says that if she sees anyone talking to Elissa, they’re her target. What the flip! Amanda, you need to go, you’re a bully

Ginamarie and Judd and Spencer and Andy are talking now.

Ginamarie wants Amanda outs, and thinks that she is “psychotic”.

Spencer doesn’t like Amanda’s behaviour “repulsive”.

They want to get rid of some “snakes”. They are now an alliance called the “Exterminators”, I think.

Amanda wants Aaryn to stay, and Amanda trusts Andy more.

Aaryn is really sad and upset and angry that she did so much to stay in the house, and now she thinks that she is going home. Amanda is crying and now hugging Aaryn.

Ginamarie really wish that she had won the Veto.

Ginamarie tells Aaryn that she has her vote.

Aaryn wants to get Spencer and Judd’s vote.

Aaryn is now talking to them.

Spencer has concerns with her loyalty, he tells them about being the 3AM alliance.

Judd and Spencer said that they are going to think about it.

Aaryn says that she will throw people under the bus if that is what she has to do.

Aaryn is now talking to Amanda and McCrae, throwing Spencer and Andy under the bus, I think.

Amanda calls Spencer over, asks him about this, and Spencer calls it “ridiculous”. Aaryn says that it is “obvious” that he is lying.

Amanda knows that Spencer is lying 100%.

She says that she will be loyal to Amanda and McCrae


The player/players who finish last in the HoH, win a bunny suit/chicken for 48 hours. CHICKEN BECAUSE EVERYONE WAS SO SCARED TO TAKE OUT AMANDA AND MCCRAE

Commercial break

Dan’s take on the game: He says that Amanda is one of the few people playing the game, but she is playing at a mean pace. He thinks that she playing the game “kinda like a brat” WOOOOO

Does he talk to the former friends? He and Danielle still talk, and Frank, and Ian. Everything is “forgiven”.

Best game? JUDD WOOOO he is rooting for him the rest of the way.

On McCranda: What are they thinking, leaving a showmance in the House? “Love clouds their vision”. Prevents them from making, big, strategic moves. She played better without Brendon. Not a fan of showmances.

Interview ends


Rachel and Brendon got married last summer, get to wake up everyday with their best friend. Three year anniversary. Her laugh has died down.

BB marriage. First BB marriage. They want BB babies. Before Dominic and Dani.

Dominic and Dani : THEY GOT MARRIED, SEASON 13




JEFF AND JORDAN – Together for four years. The friendship “involved it” – Jordan

“evolved it”. – Jeff laughs

They think that they are an odd couple (McCranda), and think that Amanda wears the pants.

They’re opposites. “The next stop is to put a ring on it” – Jordan lol and Jeff laughs

They want a “A very big family”. – Jordan

Commercial break

Julie welcomes back Judd!

He doesn’t think that a lot of the House didn’t change. He saw drama, for sure.

She congratulates Amanda on winning her first competition

Julie asks her about the verbal threates

and said that Elissa just pushed her buttons.

Elissa said game-related things, and felt that Amanda took it to a different level, and she thinks that emotions were defintiely running crazy this week. “By-gones are by-gones”.

TWITTER ABUZZ: The front bedroom was “so messy”.

Julie congratulates him for not bieng up on the block this week

Apparent Judd took away Spencer’s drawers

Says thank-you for asking her a question, it has been “two weeks”.

I’m so excited to hear Julie’s questions to Aaryn on racism.


Aaryn will respect everyone’s decisions

Andy loves Anderson Cooper

Judd : Aaryn (his little Texas Tornedo)

Spencer : Aaryn

Ginamarie : She’s crying, and votes to evict Aaryn

Amanda : Aaryn

McCrae (smacks Amanda’s butt) : Aaryn

Aaryn : 5

Andy : 0

Julie is sitting down with Aaryn after the break.

Commercial break

I think that Aaryn is expecting herself to leave.

It’s so quiet


why is no volume

Oh, I heard Ginamarie

She is crying

and Aaryn leaves!

Julie is saying that they have a lot to talk about.

Asking her why to keep Andy or Aaryn ; Think that they are more loyal to Andy.

On Ginamarie’s vote: Told her to vote with the House

On Elissa: Became friends really soon in the house, and loves Rachel, and was confused about that and wondering about that, and she thought that she was the MVP, and felt like she was “bad for her game”

On racism: She doesn’t mean to come out racist, is the crowd making noises? She apologizes, and she doesn’t mean to hurt anyone. Reading out some of Aaryn’s quotes, like the Asian and Candice

she says that she doesn’t remember saying those things, and the crowd laughs

She feels “horrible” about it.

She feels like BB has taught her a lot about people and life, she loved Helen more than anything, and she was friends with Candice and Andy, and the crowd laughs lol

Judd thinks that Aaryn was awesome, he felt that he was playing for Amanda and McCrae

Amanda feels that Aaryn is like her sister

Ginamarie ; Bestie in the house, one heck of a competitor

Final thoughts: No. She feels horrible. She says that in Texas, they joke, she doesn’t want to seem like that person, and really respects everyone in the game.

Commercial break

“Big Hopportunity” lol

It’s like the Christmas one in BB12. They have to hop over (feet are tied together) to the fence to get an egg to get it through the hole in the “H” in the first “HOH”. It goes in their basket. you need six to win? I’m not sure.

Julie tells them, 69% of America voted for the one with the least amount of points to wear a CHICKEN SUIT yepyep woooo

The House is united to go against Amanda and McCrae!

Commercial break

Surprise comp. with a HG next time 😮


Thanks for reading you, guys!

September. 18th is the finale !


– Louise


BB15: Episode 27 [SPOILERS]

28 Aug

Hello, everyone! How are you all?

It’s BB Night!

Elissa nominated McCrae and Amanda

Ginamarie says that she has to be on Elissa’s good side this week.

Amanda wants to punch Ginamarie “so hard with brass knuckles”.

Ginamarie tells Aaryn that McCrae and Amanda “lie to everyone”. She tells her to keep cool with “Amanda McCrae, otherwise, they’ll throw” her under the bus.

Elissa asks Amanda if they are going to “retaliate” against her next week, and Amanda says “no”.

Amanda tells Elissa that Ginamarie and Elissa look like they are working together.

Elissa says that she saw an evil side to Amanda, and she really wants Amanda to go home after going into the DR to share with us. After seeing what happened between her and Helen last day..

Elissa tells Judd about wanting to get out Amanda, to back-door her, and he agrees readily.

And now Aaryn and Elissa are talking. Aaryn is a little freaked out, but goes up.

Elissa tells Aaryn that they “seriously need to work together”. She said that she didn’t see the”big picture” when she elected Helen to go home, and Aaryn says that she understands that. Elissa tells her that Amanda leaving is supposed to happen, or something.

Aaryn says that she will pick Judd if she pulls HG’s Choice for Veto.

Commercial break


Aaryn, Elissa, McCrae, Amanda, Ginamarie, JUDD (HG Choice) YAAY

Amanda questions Aaryn’s choice on Judd. “Why not pick Andy?”

Elissa says that she is going to be in “Veto Comp overdrive”.

Amanda is pissed off at Aaryn, and Amanda doesn’t think that it’s the best move, why not choose an alliance member, or something.

Ginamarie tells Aaryn to not let Amanda get into her head.

Aaryn tells Elissa about her choice, and Elissa tells her that she is using Aaryn to make all of her decisions. Elissa tells Aaryn that she not going home this week.

Ginamarie tells Elissa that “Amanda is the female version of Jeremy”, lol.

Amanda tells Spencer, McCrae, and Judd, that Elissa and Ginamarie are “100% working together”. Amanda calls them out on it, because every single that that she walks by, they stop talking.

Ginamarie and Amanda are arguing with each other.

Elissa tells Ginamarie to stop.

McCrae is telling her to “chill out”, and Amanda says that it was “not a good decision” to do that.

McCrae wants her to do some damage control with Elissa.

Amanda tells Elissa that Ginamarie talks about her even more than Aaryn.

Elissa tells Amanda that she hasn’t thought about it.

Amanda tells her Amanda that she needs to know if she could be a potential person on the block.

Elissa laughs hard, and Amanda asks her why she is laughing, and Elissa said that she had such a good relationship with everyone (like, why should she be worried, or whatever?).

Amanda is now crying and Elissa started to laugh but is now listening. Amanda tells her that she has always had her back, and Elissa said that she had such a good relaitonship with everyone.

Commercial break


McCrae: “I finally understand why you’re always wearing shorts. Because Amanda wears the pants” lol Ginamarie thought that it was so funny.

Ginamarie: Nick since first meeting has felt swept away in a fatal attraction

Andy: Ghost in BB House? It has a high-pitched wail, pasty white, loves to float, that’s Andy.

Aaryn: Acting mean and nasty in the beginning of the game, but it disagrees. That wasn’t acting!

Amanda: Don’t worry, you can visit McCrae using your giant tramp stamp, mail yourself to Minnesota.

Elissa: Like to impersonate the Zingbot, much better at being a cheap imitation of your sister.

No Judd?! Aw


The baby Zingbot is one year old so CUTE AWH

Energy charger, throw the ball, and catch it.

Every time you catch it and crosses the line or something, you score a point. Reach 250 power units to win the POV.

If it drops, you have to start all over again.

McCrae, Elissa, Aaryn, and Ginamarie went to zero,

Amanda is winning so far

Judd is dizzy right now. And he drops the ball :/

I have a feeling that Amanda is gonna win.

Yep, Amanda won

Andy does not want to be the next person on the block



Commercial break

Amanda hopes that Elissa will put up Ginamarie. Andy feels like he is going to be the replacement nominee.

Judd thought that Amanda was never going to win. Elissa says that she is going to go home now, because everyone who goes against Amanda “goes home”. She “hates her”.

Elissa calls Amanda the “grossest person in the world”.

Judd asks about Andy, and Elissa says that Andy is so annoying and “drives her insane”.

She wants to make sure that her nomination is going to effect the “McCranda” alliance.

Elissa is telling them that they were “throwing the comp”, and Amanda goes and goes off on her, saying that her and the Zingbot are “both made out of plastic”.

Amanda is going to “torture” her and then Andy is going to console her, or whatever.

“The Elissa Show”, and Amanda is now bullying and tormenting Elissa, and everyone can hear her from the outside.

and Elissa is now like, “is this real”?

Judd says that how she is acting shows that she is a “vile person”, and it shows what kind of a person that she is. and now Amanda says that she cannot wait to send her home next week.

Ginamarie says talking to Amanda is like “talking to a wall”. Ginamarie says that Amanda is just making “herself look stupid”. Amanda is now saying that it’s not nice to isolate herself. and now she is knocking on her door.

Elissa says that her intimidation is not going to work on her, and she doesn’t like bullies, and thinks that she is “psychotic”, I think.

Commercial break

Amanda now tells the others outside that “she won’t come out”. Andy goes up to talk to her.

Elissa says “thank-you” for coming up to talk to her. Elissa says that she is crazy.


Amanda tells Elissa that no-one comes between her and HER man, like what Rachel would say. Elissa tells Amanda that Rachel would be not impressed that she used that line and people laugh lol woo!

Here is Rachel’s response on Twitter:



and Aaryn is happy, I think

Amanda says to Elissa, “sit down, tra_h”. :O HOW RUDE. Amanda is just a flipping bully, so, please, just STOP BULLYING EVERYONE AND TAKE A LOOK AT HOW YOU TREAT EVERYONE, WOULD YAH? THANKS.

Andy says that she is not going home.

Thanks for reading this, you guys! Amanda is mean and a big bully.

Go Elissa! (Elissa says that she knows that Aaryn and Andy have been working with Amanda, so now either Alliance member can home. 3AM is officially done.)

– Louise


P.P.S. This is my 111th Post! I just wanted to say that, because triple-same-number digits! Woo!

BB15: Episode 26 [SPOILERS!]

25 Aug

Hello, everyone! How are you all doing?

It’s BB Night! Wowza. Who do you guys think won out of the Juror’s? Who do you think is the HoH? Let’s take a look!

HoH/Juror Comes Back Competition

Judd doesn’t trust Amanda or McCrae at all.

Elissa is so happy that Helen gets the chance to come back into the game, but Elissa knows that she can’t “count on that” because she could be “going home”.

Amanda is not happy that the four Juror’s are competing.

Andy is very worried if Andy comes back into the game, because he was blind-sided, and he could be “very vengeful”.

Helen wants all the HG’s to be “scared out of their mind that Helen could be coming back into the house”.

Amanda says that when you come after her, you will go home.

Elissa says watching Helen leave is “every type of side”. Helen was someone that she could trust.

McCrae says that a Juror coming back is a little bit a “nightmare” for him.

Judd says that he feels bad for Spencer.

Jessie is in the lead with two balls, and Judd like screams lol

Spencer says that he can’t hold himself up on the small platforms. McCrae and Spencer fall off. McCrae knows that Amanda will be pissed at him. Calls him “Mr. Endurance”.

McCrae is now smoking, already

Candice said that the balls hit her “woman parts” lol and she “hasn’t even had babies yet!”.

Candice really wants to be the “erpson who comes back into the house”.

Elissa and Judd are tied in first place. Jessie had been involved in sports growing up, really good hand-eye conversation, and that this is “her competition”.

Mascots come out :O

Elissa has four balls now.

Helen starts to tell the Jurors information, and Judd is soaking it all in.

Helen tells Candice that you can’t trust Andy.

Jessie has four balls now.

Elissa has five now, I think.

Andy falls off.

Amanda is pissed that it’s all up to her, she’s pissing me off… stop just depending on them, you have to pull a weight.

Jessie falls off, and Jessie says “F___ you, Amanda” and Amanda’s like, “What did I do?” aw, bye, Jessie :O

There’s three Jurors and three HG’s left.

Elissa has six balls now.

It’s been 49 minutes now!

Helen says that the platforms are “no bigger than a shoebox”. She wants to stay as long as she can on this as long as it takes.

Helen falls out now, yells “Happy Birthday” to “GM”.

Elissa is disappointed that Helen fell off, but now more fuel has been added to the fire now, and now she HAS to win.

Ginamarie doesn’t want Candice to return. Neither does Aaryn. Aaryn says whichever Juror comes back, it will not be good for her, because she has fought with Candice a lot, tried to “mend bridges”, but it didn’t work, and she was responsible for “blindsiding” Judd.

Commercial Break

It’s been one hour and thirteen minutes.

“Candyland might be getting back into the game” – Candice

The ball just whammed Judd on the chest.

Candice falls off, her knee fell off her her. She leaves.


Aaryn says that Judd will definitely gun after her.

Amanda is screwed that Judd is back in, and Judd wants to start clean slated with everybody, and they can “talk about it later”.

Elissa has seven balls, Judd has five, or four?

Judd falls off! He sees Amanda up there, and says that if she wins, he’ll definitely go up.

Amanda and Elissa catch a ball, Elissa is in first, Amanda in second.

Andy doesn’t want Elissa to win.

lol Amanda almost fell off and held onto Elissa’s board and came back in.

Wow! Very nice save! She almost fell off, and totally came back in! She held onto the ball holder.

One hour and thirty-four minutes so far.

Elissa has only one more to catch!






She could get a letter from her husband, or sister (Rachel) woooo

Amanda wants to try and control Elissa

Aaryn feels sick that Elissa will “gun after” her.

Elissa said that she would be gunning after Andy if he voted out Helen, but she realized that there are “bigger targets”, and she says that the people who thinks that they are running the House, will be running the House in Jury.

Elissa asks Judd why he was mad at her, he said that he felt that Helen wanted to get him out, and he felt bad for not hugging Elissa when he had left. He says that he is “Switzerland right now”. He wants to smooth over any rough patches.

Andy says that he has no idea what Elissa is gonna do. He asks Aaryn and Ginamarie, and Aaryn says that she’ll put up her and Ginamarie.

Aaryn is crying in the DR. She is worried, and doesn’t want to fight against Ginamarie in the Veto.

Amanda is talking to Elissa. Elissa says that she will not put up Ginamarie. She says that Aaryn is her #1 target in the House, but that does not mean that she will work with Amanda.

She is thinking to put up Aaryn and McCrae, and in the DR, Elissa said that putting up him against Aaryn, that it would be a “win-win” for her HoH because it would cause “turbulence in the relationship between Amanda, McCrae, and Aaryn”.

Amanda goes to tell McCrae this, and says in the DR that she will have to work really hard to make sure that her and McCrae aren’t the targets this week.

Commercial break

Getting to see Elissa’s HoH room! She’s “freaking out”.


There are yoga mats, and a protein-filled basket


They are rooting for her 100 thousand percents.


Amanda says that there is a really good chance that if her or McCrae go up

Amanda says that she feels “defeated” because this is the first time that she hasn’t “controlled anyone”.

McCrae says that she can’t control everything.

Amanda says that they have to make sure that they don’t end up on the block together.

Elissa says that she will not let other people make decisions for her, this is her HoH, and she will make the most of it. GOOD FOR YOU, ELISSA! YOU AREN’T BEING CONTROLLED

“What Amanda doesn’t realize, that after Aaryn, Amanda is my next target” lol Elissa

Amanda is crying now (STOP), saying that it’s “heart-breaking”. Elissa says that she feels scared EVERY WEEK.

Commercial break

Aaryn just took a swig of nail polish remover… what the heck? She just drank from the bottle what the heck

she swallowed it she thought that it was aher waterbottle, she’s worried about her sanity I think, now

Spencer says that she needs to drink a lot of water now


Judd is now talking to Elissa, and says that it was really cute that Judd was

Elissa tells Judd that they have to get out Amanda.

He trusts Elissa 100%.

She’s always wanted to work with Judd, and now they are working together. They want to go to the Finals together. He will use the Veto on her if she goes up. Awh

Elissa is soo happy that Judd is back, and they hug.

Aaryn and Elissa are talking now.

Aaryn knows that Elissa is her target, and Elissa says, “well, one of the them”.

Aaryn says that she will make deals with Elissa. She wants to try to keep herself off the block.

Elissa says that everytime that she went to Aaryn, she had lied to her and screwed her over.

Elissa asks her that she wants to be in the game bad enough, or for Amanda

Aaryn says that she will try to keep Elissa safe as long as she can.

Elissa doesn’t know.

Aaryn knows that Elissa is upset with her.

Elissa has to weigh her options. To get out Aaryn, or get out McCranda.

Commercial break

Aaryn is 99% sure that she will be nominated. She is not sure that she got through to Elissa.

Andy is very nervous for the nominations

McCrae feels in danger, and has “never been on the block before”.

Amanda feels “pretty defeated”.

Elissa is focussed on “big targets only”.



Judd is safe! Yaay

Ginamarie is safe!

Spencer is safe.

Andy is safe.

Amanda is safe.

McCrae and Aaryn are nominated, as Elissa had wanted! go Elissa!

Reasons: she thinks McCrae is an awesome player, hopes that he wins the Veto

says that Aaryn has tried to make her life in the game as miserable as possible, and now she knows how she feels.

McCrae says that it really sucks that he is nominated. He needs to distract Amanda from saying mean things.

Elissa wants the player to know that she loves BB, and she will do whatever it takes to make big moves. It’s “in [her] blood”.

Aaryn says that everyone in the house hates Elissa, and she doesn’t get why she is the only one that feels Elissa’s “wrath” or something

If Aaryn leaves, I am going to be soo interested and curious and EXCITED for what Julie will ask her in the interviews!

and if McCrae gets off the block, it would be great to see Amanda go up. Woooo

I mean, I don’t really mind McCrae… I definitely prefer him over Amanda

That’s it! Thanks for reading this, I liked this episode because Amanda didn’t have the power to control WOOO

Bye for now!

– Louise

P.S. <– That is an interesting + neat header! Reminds me of Hallowe’en.

P.P.S. Thank-you VERY much for 916 HITS! I really appreciate it, so thank-you!

BB15: Episode 25 [SPOILERS AHEAD!]

22 Aug

Hello, everyone! How are you all?

It’s BB Night! Big one, too.

(I missed the first five/six minutes, apologies!)

Helen is telling Elissa that she HAS to work with Ginamarie and Aaryn.

Helen is telling Andy that she needs his vote, he’s the swing vote.

She is telling him about the bullying.

Andy is getting angry.

Aaryn says that Amanda and Mccrae will go and attack her because they’ll know of this conversation after.

I think that Andy is telling them now

of course

Telling Amanda, she tells him to not worry about it.

Helen works in the world of politics, and she sees that Andy is lying.

Helen is now talking to McCrae. She is telling him about the two votes. “Why let her play your game? What is your life gonna be like with her?” – Helen on McCrae and Amanda

She says that she is better for her game.

Amanda and McCrae are now talking. Amanda is pissed off that “Helen is attacking her on a personal level”.

Amanda is now telling Spencer and Andy and McCrae. She is telling them that she was “bully”. She asks them and McCrae is like, “You’re bossy” lol

Amanda asks who she is bullying

and she asks them if she is a bully

Amanda, you bully…

Ginamarie says that Spencer doesn’t even talk to her.

Helen says that Andy is completely manipulative.

They want to put Andy up

Elissa is now putting pressure on Andy. and they know that they want to take Helen out

and he says that he’s “wavering”

Elissa say that if her or Ginamarie are the HoH, they will put her up

Helen says that America is watching him

and she is telling him that if she votes him out, he’ll “have targets that he’s never had before”.

Andy is terrified!

Commercial break


They are watching their HoH Comp

Ginamarie had already prepped, lol, because after going to bed at 4AM and trying to find things

Amanda was thinking why was Elissa leading them into it, then says that she is “kidding”

lol watching Elissa’s football skills in the Veto lol

Andy was terrified, and saw the ambition in her eyes, and didn’t want to get in her way lol


McCrae: Helen

Amanda: Helen

Elissa: Spencer

Andy: Helen THE FUDGE ANDY YOU ugh I can’t 😦

Ginamarie: Helen wait what.

Commercial break

4-1 to evict Helen

I think that Helen knew that she would be evicted, I think, by that smile on her face.

Elissa and Helen = longest hug ever since in this Game

This makes me sad 😦

Julie is telling her about the vote – Helen had been questioning the loyalty for a few weeks with Andy. She wanted to play the game, don’t be afraid of the block. Taking off huge players.

Helen thought that Judd was more dangerous because Amanda hadn’t been winning competitions.

Judd is Howie’s cousin from S6, S7 lol

Helen said that she’d cry a river to stay in the house

Good-bye Messages:

Andy says that Helen has been bad to other people, he loves her a lot

McCrae says that the game is like the chessboard, and she is like the “Queen”

Amanda says that she wanted to get her out because she got her out

Elissa is going to be very miserable, and she’s going to fight for the both of them

Helen wouldn’t have wanted to take out Howard, felt that Howard was a threat, but Amanda was the bigger thereat, actually

lol Helen is so happy to try and come back into the game~ She’s so happy!

she wants food before the face-off because she was a Have-Not, lol, but Julie is like, “it’s still the game”!

Commercial break



Candice walks in and hopes Ginamarie comes after her, so then she gets a taste of her own medicine

BUT IT’S JUDD, he said that she was really shocked.

Candice “absolutely adore” Judd, hates that he’s here, but she likes the company

Judd wants to see Helen to go through because he says that she is “shady”

and Jessie walks in ! Candice wants all the gossip.

Judd almost forgot how “hot she was”

Jessie tells them about the Helen loyalty things, Judd is hoping to get back into the house lol

The Jurors have a note!

It’s to say that they’ll be coming back to play in the game again, to try again!

lol Judd will be on “Pest Control” lol

Jessie will have no mercy if she gets back in

Candice wants to get rid of Ginamarie

Judd wants to get rid of Amanda and Helen

“Revenge of the snakes” – Judd !

lol Helen is in a sports outfit

Judd is wearing his bear shirt !

The HG’s inside have no clue about this

They are now breaking the rules!








I think that Elissa said that she missed Candice everyday


I want Judd or Helen to come back in! I think Janelle is rooting for Helen (Twitter)

I liked them, but Candice or Jessie, I guess it would be okay, but pleaase Judd or Helen! I’d appreciate it!


Commercial break

HoH is “Off the Wall”

Balls will be thrown at first HG or Juror, and they have to catch ten balls in-order to get back in, and anyone of the HG’s to catch ten, they are back and also the HoH. If you fall off, you’re eliminated.



Jessie got a ball!

Oh, now they’re getting sprayed

McCrae is like a hair commercial

Judd is drinking the water lol

It’s soo slow sdfnldsf

“The power of the bear returns. Use it.” – Dan Gheesling LOL on a Tweet

Enzo also “Tweeted”, saying who wanted in !

Commercial break

lol “It’s like a Have-Not shower” when asked how everyone is doing

Ginamarie and Andy and Elissa and Judd have balls

Jessie has two

Ian (BB14) said to get Amanda out on a “Tweet”

the balls were just WHACKED at them, I don’t think that anyone caught that round!

Thanks for reading, I appreciate it! I wonder who will come back in!

– Louise


BB15: Episode 24 [SPOILERS]

21 Aug

Hello, everyone! How are you all doing? I hope that you’re all doing well!

It’s BB Night!

Aaryn speech was very “strategic”. She wants Helen to think that her power-duo is Ginamarie.

Apparently, Elissa is the pawn, and Helen is the one that should go home this week.

Helen says that her and Elissa won’t turn against each other, she’s gonna tell Elissa to push hard.

Helen thinks that Spencer would go up with one of them won the VETO.

Helen and Andy are now talking [cabana room]. Helen told Elissa “no ore mistakes”. Andy doesn’t want to lose Elissa or Helen, and he’s crying. He says that the moment is really “heart-breaking” for him, and he has to lie to her in-order to save his alliance.

Helen says that it’s critical that Spencer goes home. Andy says that he will see what he can do.

Amanda and McCrae are making out when Elissa enters the room. She is now lying on one of the beds. Amanda says that they were just “making out”, and Elissa is like “Yeah…”

Elissa says that she feels that Helen is blaming her for going up, and Amanda agrees with her (of course). And Amanda tells Elissa about Helen crying the other day. Elissa said that if Helen threw her under the bus, Elissa thinks: 1.) Amanda is super-manipulative, 2.) or if Helen actually threw her out of the bus, then she will be very “nervous” because if Helen isn’t there, then she’s her only person.

Andy tells Spencer that Helen is fighting for him to go home. And Andy tells him to win the Veto if he gets picked to play.


Playing: Aaryn, Helen, Elissa, Ginamarie (lol so happy, Aaryn drew that), Spencer (Helen drew that), HG choice (Elissa drew this); Andy (lol Andy didn’t want to be picked).

Elissa doesn’t think that she has a good option, but to win.

Helen asks Andy if Ginamarie will use it, and then she asks him to be honest, if anyone wants her to go home, and Andy says “no”.

Andy is now heading upstairs to talk to people about it.

Amanda says that the Veto is so important. Aaryn is also in the room, and Andy. Andy says that this is the one week where he didn’t want to play in the Veto, and that he doesn’t want to win it. If Andy wins it, Helen will be mad at him, and if he throws it, everyone will be upset.

Commercial break 


OTEV , the Broken-Hearted Beaver, is crying

like in BB12, the clam? I think?

He will recite love letters. and they have to find who it was addressed to.

the first one is Jeremy.

Helen finds it first. Elissa (second) also scans other love letters for future rounds!

Aaryn (third)

Spencer (third)

Andy (fourth)

Ginamarie is still hunting, and then finds it

Ginamarie just wanted to hear a Nick rhyme

the next one is “Grizzly-bear shirt” JUDDDD JUDD JUDD

“Superwoman Elissa” takes the last stop!

lol Elissa submerges through the water lol and beats Helen to the chase

Amanda is secretly celebrating

the third is Candice

Andy is going really slow

Helen “can’t watch this”

lol Elissa beats him to the chase, and Elissa is the “gigantic football player who tackles [him] out of the way” lol Andy feels like a “wimpy girl”

“Elissa Enzo-ed me” lol Andy

the fourth is Howard (chisled through stone)

Elissa barges her way through!

Elissa is first!

Aaryn is the last

The fifth

Elissa vrs. Spencer

Jessie is the fifth!





Helen is so happy! and proud!

“I guess I’m good in the mud” – Elissa lol

Commercial break

Elissa is super pumped that her and Helen could be saved this week! Helen says that this Veto was the hardest of all. Elissa says that she can’t be safe unless Spencer is up. and Helen says that she will make sure that Spencer goes up.

Helen says that Andy isn’t fighting for her to stay, because he practically threw the Comp.

Elissa is asking Amanda what will happen, and she says that Helen will go home. Amanda says this because she wants another person in her pocket, and she wants Elissa to trust her. Elissa doesn’t like feeling threatened by Amanda, but if she doesn’t listen to her, she will be turned against by the whole house. :/

Elissa wants to warn Helen that she has a strong possibility of going home this week, but she is scared of Amanda gunning for her.

Elissa thinks that Amanda is trying to get her out when Helen asks. Helen knows that it’s obvious that Amanda is trying to get her out. Elissa is trying to say that Helen is the target. and Helen gets it that she is pretty much tight lipped about this because Amanda has threatened her.

Helen goes to talk to Aaryn, and says that Amanda has been trying to get her to pit Aaryn against her, Helen. She says that her, Ginamarie, Aaryn, and Elissa should work together to get Amanda and McCrae out, because they’re like controlling the house. Aaryn says that Amanda has deals with everyone in the house, and same with Andy. Helen tells her about how he played the Veto. and Aaryn thinks that Amanda and McCrae could be playing the whole house. If Helen finds out that Andy has been playing against her, it’ll be the “biggest betrayal”.

Aaryn is getting scared. Helen tells her that the game-changing move is to get Amanda out of the house.

Commercial break

They are now talking about the wine incident with drinking it all, happened Day 10.

Amanda tells them that they should check “people’s mouths”

and Aaryn says that it’s “rude”

and Amanda is now arguing with her

Oooh, Amanda is gonna be in trouble…

… Amanda says that Aaryn is on defensive mode with her

she thinks that she is so much better than Aaryn in the game

Amanda says that when Aaryn drinks, she gets really “feisty”

Aaryn and Andy and Amanda are in the room

Andy wants to self-evict from the game lol if Amanda goes up because everything that he has been working for, will be gone

Aaryn is crying, Amanda doesn’t want to argue anymore, and leaves the room.

She’s talking to Andy.

Aaryn says that Amanda and McCrae will go to the end because they wanted Howard out, he’s gone. and now Helen is up because she’s gone.

Amanda has won nothing in the game, and Aaryn is angry that she thinks that she can act the way that she does. She says that it’s the “Amanda and McCrae” game, not “BB” anymore. Aaryn says that she can put Amanda up, because she’s the HoH, based on the way that she is acting.

(I want Amanda to go, she has becoming more demanding and controlling and ugh so argumentative ALL THE FLIPPING TIME)

Commercial break

aand Aaryn puts Spencer up, since Elissa obviously used it on herself. Aaryn said, that she was being “pushed into a corner” to make that move. Amanda says that Aaryn did “exactly” what she wanted her to do (of course, being Demanda).

Ughh. I hope that Spencer goes home, I’m sorry, but I don’t mind Helen.

Thanks for reading, guys!

– Louise

P.S. Thank-you so so much for 877 HITS! Wow! Thank-you so much!

P.P.S. This is late because I lost my Internet for like half-an-hour. Urgh. Sorry about that!

BB15: Episode 23 [SPOILERS]

18 Aug

Hello, everyone! How are you all doing?

It is BB Night!

When Jessie walked out of the house, Aaryn was like, “That was loud” (referring to the crowd).

Andy was really sad to see Jessie go, and he said that she “genuinely a good friend, and seeing her go was tough”.

Amanda yells that she can’t “win anything” at the HoH comp. after Aaryn wins.

McCrae says that he’s “never gonna throw a competition again”. He doesn’t trust Aaryn, and only trusts her and Amanda.

Amanda is crying, saying that she “sucks”, and now McCrae says that he really needs to try to trust Aaryn.

Amanda is now sitting in the storage room, hiding behind a garbage can… crying? what the

why not in a room

I just


What if someone walks in

Ginamarie says that she hopes that McCraw doesn’t win, and said that Amanda will ruin his life, and Spencer says that if he wins, she will spend it in six months.

Elissa is very scared for the nominations. And she thinks her and Helen will go up, or McCrae against her, or Amanda against her.

Helen tells her to “not be defeated”.

Helen says that she doesn’t want to act defeated, and thinks that her and Aaryn has a good relationship. Helen is telling her that Aaryn has played an “excellent game”. She says that she is such a “bright girl”, and calls her “humble.” I feel like Helen is sucking up

Aaryn calls her “cool and fun”, and calls her one of the nicest people she’s ever met? I don’t quite remember.

Amanda and McCrae are talking again. She wants Aaryn to put up Elissa and Helen.

Amanda wants Helen to go home, and she’ll go talk to Aaryn by herself.

Aaryn wants to put up Elissa and Spencer, and she tells McCrae that. He tells her that Amanda wants Helen and Elissa to go home. Aaryn says that her choice to put up Elissa and Spencer, it might not be what the alliance wants, but it’s good for her game.

Andy has now entered the room, with McCrae leaving, and Aaryn says that Spencer is sketchy in the DR, and putting up Helen would put “a lot of blood on her hands”. Amanda tells Aaryn that putting up Helen and Elissa would be an “obvious” move.

Commercial break

Aaryn wants to sleep in a bed, saying that her “back hurts really bad”.

They are assigning roles. Andy is the “agent”, Amanda is the “Mastermind”, Aaryn is the “beast”, McCrae is “The Enforcer”. And McCrae says that he has to do karate now and do push-up’s.

Looking at Aaryn’s HoH room, is Clowny back?

Elissa is not excited to go to the HoH room, of course

McCrae jumps on the bed

Aaryn is sitting on a goat, with baby sheep lol everyone is like screaming

Aaryn is asking them why she is so good at everything

Amanda is going to take Aaryn’s pink blanket

Aaryn has mudmasks

Andy says that Amanda is really obvious at Aaryn’s HoH room an d”literally green with envy”.

Is Elissa married?!

Aaryn makes Elissa feel very uncomfortable. She doesn’t feel like talking with Aaryn is worth her time. She doesn’t think that she’s a very nice person.

Helen says that she NEEDS Elissa in the game. She doesn’t want Elissa to go out this week. Elissa misses her son, and realizes that she’s going to miss her son’s first day of third grade. Helen feels the same way. Helen doesn’t want Elissa to break-down for her, and she won’t break-down, either.

She is telling her that they have to get it together. THey miss their families, they could be in the Jury house with the “crazy people”, or stay in the House.

Elissa basically told Helen if she was evicted, she wouldn’t give her her vote. and it hurts Helen. Oh dearie

Helen is crying now, and she loves Elissa like a “sister”. She doesn’t understand why Elissa would think that way, and it hurts her heart.

Helen comes up crying in the HoH room, and she doesn’t want to cry. Helen feels like she can’t help Elissa anymore. Elissa is a big deal to her. They are so close, but unless Elissa wants to play, she can’t play for the both of them. Elissa is saying that she’s not taking her to Jury. McCrae says that it’s a “slap in the face”, and Helen doesn’t want her to go home, and if Helen leave, she doesn’t have any votes.

McCrae thinks that Helen “safely assumes that she’s going to the Final Two”.

The people in the HoH said that Rachel would be pissed, and they’d be “embarrassed”/

People are angry about Elissa now, and Ginamarie is pretty angry as well.

Elissa says that she has no intention to go to Jury. and Amanda in the DR is like, “Helen shouldn’t be sad about Elissa going home. … … Silly her.”

Commercial break

Have/Have-Not Comp !

lol Ginamarie didn’t want to be on Amanda’s team because she said that she was on a “losing-streak”.

They walk out to see big black boxes.

They have to press a start button, head into the black box, find the key, and then press the stop-button to stop the timer. Whichever team has the fastest time, will be the Have’s.

The Green Team is Helen, Ginamarie, Elissa, and Amanda.

The room is PITCH BLACK. and there’s like gloop when they walk in? Ginamarie can’t even see her hand in-front of her face.

Someone presses a button and feather pop

and Amanda presses a button and gets stuff blown in her face

Ginamarie feels spidywebs.

Helen feels in the middle of the room, tons of stuff

Elissa enters her hands in the big vats, and feels a “disgusting substance”, like guts, and and eyeballs and stuffs. lol Elissa sticks her hands in and feels the blankets and screams, and people are like WHAT and she said that it felt weird, and it was spaghetti.

Ginamarie just touched the key!


lol two blasts happened was it Amanda


They are now unlocking the box, and have entered their time! Nice.

The other team is now going in, and Aaryn is like screaming, “EW!”. They are on their hands and knees, lol the goop is ripping off Andy’s arm hairs and he warns Spencer to not let the stuff on the ground or it’ll rip his hair off


They open the wrong door and stuff falls on their heads

McCrae fins a “door underneath” but lol it’s the hole

McCrae felt like Indiana Jones

They exit later!

Green team = 7:27 seconds

Orange team = 3:41 lol

Ginamarie is not happy with the results.

Helen says that Elissa could bring her down

Commercial break

Helen’s father is originally from Korea. Ginamarie was really interested in Helen’s background and history. Her Dad could speak really good English and other languages.

Helen says that Ginamarie hopefully “learned sometihng” from her.

Elissa and Aaryn are talking, and Elissa is talking about her yoga mat.

She says that her and Aaryn have different values, I think?

Aaryn says thank-you to for Elissa talking to her.

Helen and Aaryn are now taking.

Helen knows that Elissa is going up. Aaryn says that either Elissa or Spencer going home, she wouldn’t care. She says that if she wins the VETO, and Aaryn says that she doesn’t want her to use it, Helen won’t use it.

Aaryn says that Helen is one of the “greatest people” that she’s ever met, and they’ve created an “amazing bond”, but she is a threat to 3AM, and no-one comes between that (I imagined” no-one comes between me and MY man” lol).

Commercial break

Helen feels like she is going to be on the block because of her relationship with Elissa. She thinks that Aaryn should put up Helen, and that she should put up Spencer, because no-one knows who Spencer will put up.

Elissa feels “uncomfortable and nervous”

Aaryn is not afraid of making her nominations

Nomination ceremony

Ginamarie is safe

Spencer is safe (I think Helen knows that she’s going home)

Amanda is safe (“It feels nice to get it before you”)

McCrae is safe

Andy is safe

Aaryn says that they’re a “power-duo”, and she’s afraid that they’ll come after “her power-duo”.

Elissa hates being on the block with Helen. She wants to make it on the end with Helen.

Helen actually trusts Aaryn

and Amanda is like that there’s nothing better than a “good ‘ol fashioned blindside” in the DR, I think.

Thanks for reading, you guys! Talk to you all next time.

– Louise



Pass Me By by R5 (Audio)

16 Aug

Helloo, everybody!
An uber short Post
but listen to this song.
I really think that it will be your worthwhile. I am SOO excited! I was waiting for this song for a while !
Lovelovelove this band ❤
and the CHORUS

Oh Ross

Thanks for reading!
– Louise

P.S. Thank-you SO so much for 833 HITS! Wow ! I really appreciate it, so THANK-YOU ❤

BB15: Episode 22 [SPOILERS AHEAD]

15 Aug

Hello, everyone! How are you all doing?

It’s BB Night!

Jessie is talking to McCrae and Amanda, and they said that she is the pawn.

Jessie has noticed that Helen and Elissa have been distancing themselves from her, and she feels alone.

Jessie, now talking to Andy, says that she’s spending so much time with Spencer. and she is wondering if Helen has her back.

Andy is telling Elissa and Helen that they should have “better poker face”. She is apparently onto them. and they should act like “besties”, in Elissa’s tone.

Helen and Aaryn were talking about Judd when Jessie answers. Helen casually throws her name out as the person who might’ve been wanting Amanda to leave the house.

Helen and Jessie are now talking while playing pool. Jessie feels like Helen is becoming more distant from her, and she doesn’t know why.

Jessie says that she has only been loyal for the last three weeks, and she wants to get Amanda out of the house… Jessie is trying to get her game blown up. She is now telling Amanda and McCrae.

Amanda is now having a confrontation with Helen,

Amanda is now telling Helen and Elissa that Jessie had thrown their names under the bus.

They are now confronting each other. Helen and Elissa said that they didn’t make this, and Helen is saying that she is going home today.

Jessie and Helen are now talking again at the chess table. They are now talking about last week.

Ginamarie and Andy are listening at the HoH door lol

Helen apparently does not remember the plan, to get Amanda out… she does not have “any recollection” of it. and Helen and Jessie are still arguing.

Everyone is listening.

Jessie feels that she is lying about it, and Andy knows that Jessie is right. Helen has gone up to him to get Amanda out, and now Helen is just “back-pedaling”. Wow. Arguments!

Commercial break

Jessie is telling Aaryn that Helen “f-worded”her.

Aaryn said that she couldn’t hear it in the room.

Helen and Aaryn and McCrae and Amanda are in the same room.

Now Jessie is listening at the door.

Oh, Elissa is inside, too.

She hears Aaryn say that she is the target. It is now “target” take down the house, or something

Jessie heard through the door, and told Andy that she heard what they were saying.

Andy informs his crew that she knows everything.

Aaryn feels bad now. Aaryn is freaked out that Jessie could ruin her game, and that she shouldn’t have been “talking so much”.

Jessie is now talking to Spencer and Ginamarie. She tells them that she is going home. She is saying that it’s a “liar’s den”, in this House.

Jessie tells Ginamarie that she Aaryn always talks about Ginamarie behind her back. Ginamarie knows.

Apparently, Jessie is going to blow-up the house.

Andy says that Jessie is gonna start “H_____”

Ginamarie and Aaryn are arguing now. Aaryn says that she won’t sit there, listening to ginamarie, and Ginamarie is being cool.

Aaryn is now leaving, saying that she’s annoying, and she wants Aaryn to “big-girl” in-front of her.

Jessie hears, and is laughing

Aaryn wants Ginamarie to get the “__” away from her. She wants Ginamarie to go.

Ginamarie calls Aaryn a psychopath.

Ginamarie is now yelling to everybody that Aaryn is yelling to everybody

Jessie is awake

She is waking everyone up…

… “come up and enjoy the show”

She invites everyone upstairs

Andy says that she’s insane

McCrae and Jessie are up in the HoH now.

Aaryn is yelling, and she wants it to be done

Aaryn doesn’t even know why everyone is up here

Jessie is enjoying the show

We are now talking to the HouseGuests!

Andy says that Judd leaving, was like “a huge presence was gone”.

Helen thinks that some big moves have already been made… like Judd, leaving. she is telling her to “Hold on tight”.

Commercial break

Jessie says that she misses her Mom and family, her last offer, she will be loyal and will fight with her alliances, and they are like a second family to her.

Spencer says that everyone is great, and he wants to fight with them all in the season longer.


Amanda: Jessie

McCrae: Jessie

Aaryn: Jessie

Helen: Jessie

Elissa: (unfortunately) Jessie

Ginamarie: Jessie. (Ginamarie’s glasses)

Commercial break

Jessie is evicted :/

It’s so quiet.

Andy says that she looks “gorgeous”, and she says to everyone “Take care of yourselves”.

I think Andy is rying.

and maybe Aaryn

Jessie is talking to Jessie now. She wanted to make an impression is some way to blow some people’s games up, because she knew that she was going home that week.

Jessie adores Helen personally, but she felt betrayed by her in the game. She thinks that it’ll be Amanda vrs. Helen in the next-coing weeks

Jessie wanted a buddy, or a showmance (audience laughs, so does she), and she felt that she struggled to “fit in”.

Jessie says that it will be really awkward to see him in the House, because he blamed her for him leaving.

Amanda says that Jessie always knew that she didn’t like her, so she knew where her head was at

Aaryn said that she made a really good friend in her, doesn’t like to see her go

Andy said that she had to go, he has no use to her anymore, and lots of people didn’t trust her

Helen says that they can be friends, hopes to see her on the other side.

Commercial break


“Way Off Broadway”

They will face off the podium, and will hear songs, and it will be about Veto, HoH, or Have/Have-Not. Press the button to the correct answer, you move on.

Ginamarie vrs. Helen

Ginamarie wins

Elissa vrs. Spencer

Spencer wins (Elissa almost had it, her hand was hovering!)

Ginamarie vrs. McCrae

McCrae wins

Spencer vrs. Aaryn

Aaryn wins

Amanda vrs. McCrae

McCrae entered it wrong,

Aaryn vrs. Amanda

Aaryn wins, wow… her fourth HoH? That’s actually… wow

Commercial break

HG’s… lol Julie was like “third HoH’ to Aaryn, and Aaryn is like “fourth HoH” and everyone laughs














Thanks for reading! I hope you guys liked it. Talk to you all next time!

– Louise


BB15: Episode 21 [SPOILERS]

14 Aug

Hello! How are you all?


Let’s begin!

Andy said that Jessie has gone after his allies, and her being on the block next to Spencer will ensure her to go home.

Jessie says that Andy should put up Amanda (like the rest of America says).

Amanda says that Jessie “HAS to go home”.

Helen is really disappointed in Andy’s choices, and she wants to know if he’s with her, or McCranda.

Andy and Spencer are talking 😮

Andy is telling Spencer that he is “fine”. “Don’t worry”.

Spencer doesn’t trust anyone in the house at all.

Andy and Jessie are talking. He is telling Jessie that she is not a target for him. and she’s relieved. Andy feels really terrible about it. He adores her, but for his game, he needs to “blindside” him. Jessie wants to work with him.

He is telling her to keep everything calm.

Amanda and Aaryn are talking. Amanda is telling Aaryn that Jessie needs to go.

Amanda says that they cannot let anyone know anything… they want to do the Final Four deal. “Easy A’s and McCrae” because of the A A A lol what that was McCrae’s idea

Triple “Am’s

Triple A’s and the Mastermind

They are coming up with their alliance name


Helen and Andy are talking. Helen said that he made the “safe move”. She’s worried about Andy, and her “ability to trust him”. He doesn’t want to go there yet. she thinks that Andy’s decision is suspicious? He’s playing both sides of the house, is he going to the 3 A.M.’s side?

Helen and Elissa are talking

She is saying that it’s not a big game move

Did Elissa dye her hair?

Helen is saying that he’s palying “really safe”

Elissa asked Helen if he should backdoor Helen and McCrae

She says that Andy isn’t up to it

She doesn’t know if she’s loyal to them or the 3AM’s

They’re saying that they’re screwed if Andy is playing with them

Andy is telling Amanda and McCrae that Helen wants to get rid of big targets. Amanda assumes that it means her and McCrae. Amanda is wondering about Helen’s loyalty, like she wouldn’t put up her own alliance members, right?

There is vacuuming happening in the house right now, can’t hear much at the moment!

Commercial break

McCrae is making a fake alliance with Helen.

McCrae is saying that it’s Helen’s game at the end

He is saying that Amanda has a relation to every person in the house, and she feels that she won’t win against Amanda in the end

McCrae wants it to be between him and her at the Final Two? He wants to make a deal with her and Andy. They’ve been playing “similar games”. What about Elissa?

Helen would be really “open-minded” for that.

Helen says that Amanda is the best in the game, and McCrae agrees

Helen is buying this.

VETO Comp!

Jessie says that if Amanda or McCrae win the VETO, she will stay on the block

Andy, Jessie, Spencer, Helen, Elissa (yaay), and Amanda are playing in the Veto !

McCrae is the host, he jumps around, and Amanda is like “So embarrassing”

Aaryn’s eyebrows…

Andy and Helen are talking, along with McCrae

Helen is telling Andy that he her and McCrae can’t beat Amanda

Andy says that Helen is “buying everything, hook, line, and sinker”

McCrae says that she’s weak at the competitions, and he can take her out then.

Amanda enters the room and it was slightly awkward

Elissa has entered!

McCrae says that the counting competition hasn’t happened yet, Helen says that she’s strong in numbers. Amanda says that Helen should win, and everyone else folds, if it’s the number comp. today. He’s a big BB fan.

Andy is now telling Spencer to fold, they want Helen to be against Andy. Spencer is “agreeing”, but he thinks that their idea is silly and he won’t play to their ways, because he’s on the block.

Commercial break

They are to earn three movie tickets

Write down the correct amount

Lock it in, or fold

If you stay, and it’s the wrong answer, and not closest to the actual answer, you are eliminated


like BB12

Spencer doesn’t trust the house game, and wants to keep himself safe

Counting bats

Helen = 300

Amanda = 479

Jessie 305

Spencer 460

Elissa 248

Andy 177


Helen won and Ginamarie was excited

Amanda says that she would’ve gotten it, and Spencer says, “no, you wouldn’t have”

They are counting brains, now

105 – Helen

57 –

72 –

57 – Spencer

80 – Elissa

70 – Andy

lol everyone folded again.

Elissa would’ve won it if she stayed

Counting coins

Helen – 775

3179 – Amanda

425  Jessie

1550 – Elissa

1014 – Andy

2580 – Spencer

Spencer stays this time

Spencer wins the ticket

Helen is out of the game!

Elissa is a total Math whiz, take the ratio, estimnate the given ratio of how many proporations of the ratio

a lot of Math

Elissa says 977

Andy, Elissa, and Amanda say

Andy wins the movie ticket

Amanda is eliminated

she feels pissed, and doesn’t know if she wants Jessie to go until now

Jessie’s strategy is to guess high

Everyone but Spencer stays

Elissa earns a ticket!

Jessie is eliminated

Spencer, Elissa, and Andy are next.

Commercial break

620 – Spencer

477 -Elissa

714 – Andy

Elissa folded, between Spencer and Andy. lol Elissa should’ve stayed, last round


He’s quite happy about it!

Jessie is really “disappointed” in herself.

Amanda says that Spencer needs to watch his “hairy back” lol what

Helen is thinking if Andy will use the Veto to get rid of a strong player

Andy says that Spencer can trick you

and Jessie is really readable.

Spencer asks Amanda if she’s pissed at him

Spencer says that he is the most stressed out in the Veto

He says that it’s really key to “smooth things over”

Spencer says that he would not have used the Veto, and Amanda is like, “Woah, what”

Andy says that they need to keep an eye on Spencer

She says that he just put a huge target on his back

Andy and Jessie are talking now.

Jessie is trying to tell him that Spencer and Helen and Elissa and her will be so appreciative if she stays, and put up Amanda or McCrae.

Helen and McCrae are talking

McCrae says that Amanda should go home before the Final 4, and he sees to see Helen getting out before that

Amanda asks McCrae if there is anything new

and she asks him what is new

Amanda doesn’t respond (commercial break)

Commercial break

Amanda and Aaryn are talking

and McCrae has joined

they always crawl into the bed

and now Andy is going inside the HoH room, too

Amanda says that Helen should go home

Andy doesn’t know what to do

They are on-board with Helen leaving


Jessie would love it if he used it on her

Spencer would love it if he used it on him

he says that Andy hasn’t done anything intelligent this week, and he isn’t expecting it

and I’m like, “uhm, Spencer, you’re on the block”

McCrae, I think, said, “Did that just happen?” lol

Andy is not using the power of VETO!


Andy says that Spencer needs to check his jokes because he’s walking on a very thin line

Jessie is not giving up

Helen wants to find the opportunity to get out Amanda

Next week, they want to get rid of Helen, or Spencer… “depends how I feel like” Amanda it is not your decision…

Thanks for reading! I’m sorry that it’s scrambled.

– Louise

P.S. Thank-you VERY much for 788 HITS :O

BB15: Episode 20 [SPOILERS!]

11 Aug

Hello, everyone! How are you?

It’s BB Night!

This is an early Post because I found it somewhere, due to my family using the T.V. . So, yay! Early Post!

[This is the point of the first live eviction from last day, what went on was shown in today’s episode]

“You dish it, but you can’t take it.” – Candice

Ginamarie still likes her coloured contacts.

While they’re voting during the first eviction of the double-eviction eviction, Ginamarie and Candice are going at it.

Ginamarie just said that no-one wanted Candice, not even her Mother. That was a low blow. Candice was adopted, oh my gosh. Ginamarie acted so rude and disrespectful, that was a terrible

Ginamarie said that she’d get the door for Candice so that it’d “hit” her on the “way out”.

Elissa is sad to see Candice go.

Judd had told Aaryn that Jessie is “everyone’s target”. Aaryn wanted to put Ginamarie up, because her actions reflect on her.

This is during Aaryn’s HoH reign to do the second eviction.

Jessie said that being nominated in a “double-eviction night is very very scary”.

Helen wanted to backdoor Judd…? Uhum… are you flipping kidding me

was SHE the reason why


my word

Aaryn is now talking to Jessie, and saying that she will take her off the block. Jessie swears that she will never put Aaryn up on the block.

Helen has the house in general has said that “Judd is the MVP”.

The whole house was in on the idea.

Judd had asked if he had to campaign, he didn’t think that he did.

Oh dearie.

Judd wants Ginamarie to vote Jessie out.

Amanda told Spencer to vote out the replacement nominee.

Judd is being comPLETELY blindsided.

McCrae said that it was “completely hearbroken”. Andy said that it “didn’t feel right”.

I feel like I’m gonna cry 😥 Poor Judd.

and Judd goes on the block.

Judd said that he wasn’t playing Aaryn. During nom.

He said that he could work with anybody. He has been loyal to a several people.

Aaryn was crying, hearing Judd plead.

He said that it wasn’t too late to keep him.

Judd really wanted them to keep him.

Like everyone is crying.

Judd said that the snake wins the game, noticing Jessie’s smirk.

Judd didn’t want to hug Elissa, and he didn’t want to hug Helen. He said that it “wasn’t true” to Aaryn.

The house is in tears.

Andy is real upset.

so is Ginamarie.


Aaryn hopes that she’s not the next one to go home. Helen says that this was the biggest game move ever in the game right now.

I don’t like Helen right now, I’m sorry

Andy and McCrae are both crying, hugging

McCrae says that Judd was his best friend.

Amanda and Aaryn are now talking. Amanda says that it was huge, and says that no-one will ever doubt her again. Aaryn really trusts Helen the most. Aaryn wants to agree with the Final Four Deal with herself, Amanda, McCrae, and Andy.

Andy said that it was like watching “a wounded animal”. He said that it really “hurt” [on Judd]. He’s going to be by himself now.

Helen is telling everyone that this will help everyone’s game. Spencer said that they are like “wild hogs”, on how quickly everyone can change.


They are supposed to land their cherry on-top of the sundae, to be the first before their opponent.

Helen vrs. Jessie.

Andy vrs. Ginamarie.

Amanda vrs. spencer.

Elissa vrs. McCrae.


The winner must name four HG’s to be the Have-Not’s of the week.

And Jessie wins her round! She will advance.

There is like rock music in the background

Andy wins his round! He will advance.

Amanda wins her round. She will advance.

Elissa says that McCrae is distracting her lol he’s saying “Woah” and stuff


McCrae wins his round! He will advance.

Jessie vrs. Andy now!

Andy wins his round!

Amanda vrs. McCrae

Amanda siad that McCrae better let her win the comp otherwise they’d be “banana splitting up”

Why is Amanda crying? It’s not that big of a deal…

Andy vrs. McCrae!






I’m actually so happy

Aaryn Helen Elissa Ginamarie are the HoH’s. “Aaryn the good witch”. Ginamarie and Aaryn volunteered themselves.

Everyone is happy that Andy is the HoH lol everyone feels safe

Oh, so now Amanda is now talking to McCrae about her not winning something

She’s making such a big deal out of this


McCrae is getting tired of this, I think

McCrae says that he was barely trying


Cottage cheese and cow peas

Turnips and taffy

Head cheese and Habaneros

Hmm. So much cheese!


Helen is now talking to Amanda. She is telling her that everyone is still here because of Amanda. Helen is telling Amanda that she has been playing an amazing game. She is winning without winning anything.

Jessie says that Jessie needs to “get over it”. She wants her to move on

Amanda doesn’t want to draw attention to herself, and she’s still going on about it? Are we on the same definition? doesn’t that mean you stop talking about it or go somewhere by yourself instead of complaining to someone?

McCrae says that they have no “blood on their hands”.

Helen is talking to Andy. She wants him to put up Amanda and McCrae. Andy really trusts them, though. Helen doesn’t want to be “blindsided by them”. He wanted to put up Spencer and Jessie, but now he has this to think about. Who’s side should he play on? Or should he continue playing both sides?

She wants him and her to think about the next two weeks. They have “six opportunities to get rid of everybody here”. She’s afraid of McCrae. She doesn’t want the opportunity to be missed? Her gut is saying that if you play it safe, you “won’t win the game”.

We didn’t get the celebration to see Andy’s HoH room…

McCrae says that he is aware that he is also in an alliance with Helen and Elissa and stuff. He’s tight with them too.


Ginamarie is safe

Helen is safe

McCrae is safe…

Aaryn is safe

Amanda is safe…

Elissa is safe

Spencer is up for a fifth time? Jessie is up as well. He adores both of them, but he put them up because it was strategic for his game.

Jessie has become an “easy target”.

Spencer says that it “sucks”. He thinks that it’s gonna “work out soon”.

Amanda said that everything has “worked out”.

Helen thumbs-down Andy’s nominations, but she is still going to push for Andy to put up Amanda or McCrae come the VETO. She will see where “Andy’s loyalties lie” this week.

What a sad and annoying and happy episode. What? Judd leaving, Helen and Ginamarie at some point and Amanda, and Andy winning.

Thanks for reading you guys! Talk to you guys soon!

– Louise