
10 Aug

Hi, everyone!

I’m so sorry that I haven’t posted in quite a while. No BB Posts, either, because I simply have not been watching at all :c I will catch up soon, though! school is done for the summer so it will be time to catch up on all of the things that I need to do.

But today’s Post is about stress. a certain kind of stress? the kind that likes to swallow you whole and wants you to rip out your stomach.

I think that I’ve been sad lately. not just lately, but for a long while. I’ll try to explain best as I can in a thing that starts with a p. a pleube? that thing that holds place of something to not reveal? Am I making any sense.

so there is a ball of yarn and a pair of knitting needles.

this ball of yarn is all wrapped up; quite secure of life and has never experienced really anything at all.

this pair of knitting needles comes along; has had a bit of practice knitting before. has some experience (plenty more than the ball of yarn).

so the knitting needles approach and unravel this ball of yarn, little by little. at first, it’s a little rough for the yarn to used to. but it is excited and enthused, and allows the unravelling. once the introductions have occurred, the between creates repetition. it ties the yarn up; twists it and untwists it. it makes the yarn churn. the needles poke and prod and can really hurt this ball of yarn. but no matter how many times these needles pull on the yarn and causes it to fray, the yarn holds on because it believes that the needles will make it into something beautiful; something worthwhile. and it’s true. the needles have the capability to make it wonderful. but it can also make it ugly. the needles have all the power whileas the yarn just goes along because it thinks better of the needles. the needles could care less; it just has a job to do. to fix? to create? to make better? to make the yarn more interesting than just a ball, so circular but untouched? the yarn does not want to be this weak. but she keeps falling anyway, an endless spool that is unwavering to his touch. 

That’s how I feel. I feel like someone is taking my insides and pulling on it. this feeling is the worst! how do I cope? I’d like to tell someone, but I don’t know how to bring it up. perhaps I should seek out a counsellor; a psychiatrist. the person I want to tell it to the most I can’t get it out. i really can’t. and it kills me inside. i fear i will shrink into a ball and hide away inside a compartment if i keep this inside of me.

thank goodness for music. i think my lyric-writing has improved!  i really hope. no-one has heard my songs; not really. it would be nice to be able to share and talk of my songs one day who will care to listen.


on the brightside, there’s a guy at work that makes me feel more me/ I probably shouldn’t think much of it, but he’s so genuine and kind to everyone. the world needs more him

“i’m only tan when you smile.” <– translate please!!

  • mongoose– Louise

BB18 – Episode 2 [SPOILERS]

23 Jun

EEP Freakazoids – who will go home? I’m sad… the whole team seems great. :c

Nicole thinks last twenty-four hours were more stressful than her whole season.

James assuring the their team that they will be okay.

Da’vonne talks with Tiffany, tying to gain trust. Tiffany is embarrassed. Tells Da’vonne that she is Vanessa’s sister. Now Veterans have newbie on their side

Paul still on board to get rid of veterans

Corey not so sure that that is what he wants to do.

Paul thinks that all the old people are working together

James thinks floors are sticky. Talks with Frank. Discuss if newbies are all working together. Da’vonne joins in. They decide that if Nicole, Tiffany stay, are all good.

Nicole talking with Corey. If they both win, Nicole wants to be HoH, asks him if he feels comfort putting people up. Corey says that he feels that she is more wise to be HoH.

Third round of Hit the Road

stranded on stranded island. put coconuts from tree onto “SOS”. steps move island. person who fails goes home.

Tiffany’s strategy: stay close to tree trunk.

Paul wants anyone but Nicole to win, none of housemates cheering on veteran, Frank notices

Tiffany leading right now

Corey careful…

Nicole almost done!! one more!! :00000

OH EM GEE PLZ LORDY YES SHE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


“somebody up there saw my SOS and saved me” tehe

Commercial break 

Tiffany glad Nicole won, wants to be there too

thinks there is a coconut conspiracy lol

Tiffany won, too!

Glenn feels like he’s in Matrix lol





Glenn is going home 😦 he was great, though.

Da’vonne wants Nicole to be HoH

Tiffany offers, who got off island first? Nicole says yes, why not LOL

both promise not to put her up, swear on everything

Nicole is first HoH!! Frank is so happy, wants to throw her up in air LOL

Paul is pissed poo you Paul

Glenn says his bye’s :(( he was great

Everyone walks back in house, face already B&W

Bronte thinks veterans out for blood

Paul corners Corey, is mad


Nicole and James can’t believe they’re sitting next to each other, Paulie can’t believe he’s in the same room lol Nicole thinks Paulie could be an asset but Cody did vote her out twice

newbies want to know what is Nicole’s head, Victor goes to ask Nicole, what is strategy; “don’t have one”.. he takes off his shirt… says everyone is after her, says Jose is after veterans, telling whole game plan lol Nicole thinks thanks for nominee ahahah


James walks in, asks who is there, Nicole asks who it is, James says is Victor LOL “do you have a problem with me?… coming in here to make you mad? you know we’re coming after you.” “all of you” “all of us” “What do you want me to say” “This is James, not Victor” “Oh my God, James” LOL

BB Slop is in the house, Have-Not room: is a funhouse with hopcorn, clowns, lights, bearded lady is Paul says Da’vonne lol

Jozea talking with Da’vonne. says is the Messiah for newbies Da’vonne shocked, says he sealed his fate

Jozea says Da’vonne doesn’t need to worry, he wants to get rid of Nicole, then James, then Frank. Da’vonne says he is stupid, he is talking as if in hair salon and she getting curl

Da’vonne goes to tell Nicole all she heard, Nicole so stressed, clear that he is on her list now

Nicole asks Corey opinion. Tells him what she heard from Da’vonne. Putting up Paulie to play POV so Jozea will stay on block. Nicole says only okay with it if Paulie is okay with it. Corey agrees (advises otherwise not good).


Nicole asking Paulie now, Paulie said would put up Jose. Nicole hinting to put him up, Frank asks if up for bat. He says he could, but if he loses he will be next to Jose. Da’vonne assures him that he will be protected. Nicole sees how he is nervous, pawns sometimes go home…

Nomination Ceremony:

Jozea, Paulie

to be fair: pick strong player from each team. Paulie hopes he will be safe, doesn’t want to hear it from brother. Jozea thinks is snake. Da’vonne “acclaimed Messiah on the block”

Thanks, guys! I’m so sorry for abandoning this blog. :c I hope to be more active! BB YAY!!

– Louise

P.S. took me all episode to spell Jozea’s name LOL thought was Jose

BB18 – Episode 1

23 Jun


BB17 – Episode 40 (FINALE NIGHT!) [SPOILERS]

23 Sep








HoH Comp: Part 1

Powdered sugar, dipped in red, the whole bundle. quick cream. creepy voice talking to the final three. now they have to sit on just the apples than the disc.

Steve falls! his thighs didn’t have the strength. hopes Part 2 is more mental than physical.

Vanessa says she doesn’t move, that’s as physical as she’s going to get. won’t move from her spot. tells Liz can win Part 2. Liz falls after Vanessa confirms she will take her to Final 2.

Steve eats popcorn.



HoH Comp: Part 2

Steve so happy that he sees puzzle because he does this for mechanical things.

it’s a crossword puzzles meant to be solved. you have to climb a ladder to access the

“Expect the _________” if you don’t know the answer to this, you are watching the wrong show. “Expect the unexpected #Big Brother”.

forgot he had a letter in the bag, found it!

Steve finishes!

Liz’s turn.

OTEV Dairy Product” – “What, yeast? OH BUTTER BUTTER”

Steve: 28:27

Liz: 31:11

Steve won Part 2!

knows John will respect him if he takes out Vanessa.

Jury debates with Dr. Will!

Austin wants to see Vanessa in the Jury so he will chop off his pony-tail braid.

and in walks John!

Julia so excited that her sister is in

John tells Austin that Vanessa brain-washed Liz lol Austin doesn’t understand why Liz trusts Vanessa again, it is pissing him off

Austin would have let the two girls battle it out and decide if he was in the final three

Jackie thinks that Vanessa’ gameplay has been really good, Shelli agrees, James agrees, says she went to work everyday, he respects Vanessa, Meg says she has won comps. when she hasn’t fooled people, she has won, Becky says she has swore under a lot of things and Austin agrees shouldn’t have done it. Steve is doing something right because Shelli says he threw a comp to not get bloods, he wins when he needs it to happen. he was personally connected with everyone. Meg agrees. John thinks Steve is a rat, did not like his games, had protection from him and the twins. said Steve went to a lot of advice for him. Julia said he could not own up to his decisions. Jackie thinks that Liz has gotten a lot of blood on her hands, John thinks Liz should not win, thinks she just dragged someone (Austin) along, Meg thinks she was just protecting her alliance, Becky thinks Austin was strategic and Liz was competitor, Dr. Will asks what would happen if Vanessa was eliminated. Julia will vote for her sister no matter what, can do no wrong


HoH Part 3

“Scales of Just Us” – Vanessa vrs. Steve

prove how well you know the members of the Jury (8)

how did the Juror complete the sentence?

Shelli: My favourite moment was winning HoH Duh! or meeting Clay! Duh!

answer: winning HoH! Steve 1 Vanessa 0 (S, V)

Jackie: the most annoying thing about the house was the mess OR constant paranoia!

the constant paranoia!

S 1 V 0

Becky: the biggest lie told this summer was everything that came out of Audrey’s mouth, me saying that I was hit by a train, gotcha!

Steve 2 V 1

Meg: who needs a reality check the most; Clay, who gives up half million for a girl? or Austin, one word: Judas: lame!


3 2

James: strongest competitor: me! OR Johnny-Mac


3 2

Julia: respected Austin’s gameplay the most because he’s been watching the show since S1, OR Shelli always kept word and comp beast


4 3

Austin:  most embarrassing moment was Zingbot mentioning my girlfriend OR I stink


4 4

John: best thing about being in house; not having to go into people’s mouths or getting ripped!






Steve thoroughly convinced Vanessa is the strongest female gameplayer in the game, can talk way in the Jury, was said to make move to justify, he evicts Vanessa and is very sorry

Liz says “Oh my gosh Steve thank-you so much!” wasn’t expecting it doesn’t have anything prepared, has no words to thank him, needs the money so bad

Vanessa says wasn’t out of the realm of possibility, never fully trusted him, not sure if he made the right move for his game, would not have taken Steve to Final Two so doesn’t blame him, gave it everything she had, is crying?



JURY members walking out! Aww everyone looks so pretty! The cheers are amped for John and James!

Julia says she has no guesses to ninth jury member, Austin guesses Vanessa

and Vanessa walks out! Becky is shocked! Austin is very happy to see that Steve made an excellent decision. “The boy became a man.” John “I’m really glad to see my best friend again!”

Three questions are to be asked to the Final 2!

John asks: Steve; I was your good friend in this game. but in my perspective you relied on Vanessa and myself this whole game. why?

audio problem.

Steve starts over answer: was not tailing off him or Vanessa. it was the friendships.

audio problem again!

Steve starts again: as above, and said he wanted to split the twintwist and the showmance, and Jackie, thought was most competent of the Meg and James and such

Becky: Liz; when it came to gametalk, Austin influence all your strategy. what was your own?

Liz: came in with twist, held her own, did own campaigning

James: Steve; you’re sitting next to someone who played hard since Day. floated through game half the time. why say it not?

Steve: had layers of people who had protection, did not float. built layers to get where he was.

Julia: Liz; what was biggest game move in comp?

Liz: aligning with strong competitors, aligning with Vanessa, Austin

Jackie: Steve; several people feel you didn’t talk strategy with them at-all. biggest function as votes.

Steve: had tiff with Austin with Scamper Squad, protected his alliance

Austin: Liz; why do you deserve to win the money over Steve?

Liz: came in with huge disadvantage, did a lot to stay in house, tried to be less of a threat, even though Steve is huge superfan


Why do you deserve to win BB?

Liz: not a huge superfan not a big gamer, miracle able to survive 85 days, great attitude, strong personality

Steve: Zingbot: awkward nerdy trombonist. said Liz had an advantage of having someone always on her side. won four full HoH games, made moves not copying someone else. just got out Vanessa. Liz follows Vanessa, Liz won two, three and a half. Thank-you so much.


Shelli: love you both so much, really hard to make the decision, voting with heart

Jackie: congratulations! so proud of both. both played amazing games, going to vote for person who has dreamed of it their entire life LOL OBVIOUS

Becky: one person that I will extremely glad to cast my vote for, may best man or woman win

Meg: you guys look hot! giving credit to big moves in game. hard decision.

James: amazing job, loves the haircut, you need another one Steve, let Jesus take the wheel on this one kinda like Carrie Underwood GOSH JAMES

Julia: (falls) vote really obvious, loves them both

Austin: the heart wants what it wants – in the poet’s hands of Selena Gomez LOL

John: the worst alliance member or twin thing I couldn’t come up with a good insult for you… good job both!

Vanessa: no hard feelings Steve, picking the best that represents what this season stands for, both played great games

and first six evicted join live!


Audrey’s hair is like Shelli’s!

Da’vonne: most surprising: Austin you spoke a lot about Judas how he was going to dominate, where ge at?

Austin: you got me! was supposed to be cool in my own weird way but ended up liking people too much, disassociated with his personality

Vanessa: 90% what I said was the truth, is a DJ, a prof. poker player, won $4.1/2 million. one of the top in the world

Jason: everything surprised me, how well Vanessa maneuvered through you Dr. Will’d it, Derek’d it, Dan’d it. just sort of cried and didn’t own to anything but did it all.

Audrey: how was it to return home after making history? having time of life, emotional thing, it’s huge, overwhelming response from whole country, feels like a winner because changed lives


WHO WON? VOTES Julie wants to know how Vanessa voted so starting backwards

Vanessa – Liz

John – Steve

Austin – Liz

Julia – Liz

James – Steve

Meg – Steve

Becky – Steve

Jackie – Steve

I AM SO HAPPY STEVE HAS WON BB17 :’) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Shelli also voted for Steve! won 6-3!!








Thanks for keeping with me this summer! what a hilarious season filled with hilarious people. hope that you all enjoyed the ride and ’till next time!!

Thanks for the 3405 HITS

  • Louise

BB17 – Episode 39 [SPOILERS]

20 Sep

HI, second-last episode

lol Steve going to pass the decision to have champagne because every single decision he’s made in the house he has regretted

Vanessa says Steve has recognized that he has a weakness in the game right now for final three

Vanessa telling Steve that they can do it, but Steve says he knows that she has made a final deal with Liz, she swears she hasn’t, hasn’t promised anything, Steve thinks he can go against Liz because he took out Vanessa

sitting at table, reminiscing about TwinTwist, Vanessa’s confrontations


reminiscing about Lizten, James and Meg, nerdmance between John and Steve “who has the longesr stick”, Steve loves Johnny-Mac very much, snuggle, cuddle, then Clelli, “any date with Clay would be an acceptable first date”, Clay vrs. James


reminiscing Becky’s train hit, Clay’s mumbling LOL, Audrey being transgender, fight between Da and Audrey


reminiscing James’s pranks, Whackstreet Boys, DR moments:BLANKETAUDREY, Audrey is the BB Homeless Person, Jace screaming for his Mom, Steve not wanting it, Meg horrible wih dealing with emotion, Vanessa dentist chair, Shelli personally affect, Shelli wants Audrey to leave her alone, Audrey withdrawing in little cocoon


Liz and Austin fights, arguing about each other’s food, food fight

Final HoH Comp

think Liz might win it

is an endurance comp

“How About Them Apples”

Liz wants to get to Final with Liz

Thanks! next ep, 8:30/9:30Central on WEDNESDAY, LAST EPISODE

Thanks for 3391 HITS

  • Louise

BB17 – Episode 38 [SPOILERS]

16 Sep


Vanessa said Austin was her best friend in the game, knew he would jave beat her in the game

Vanessa is crying, Liz not even listening, so shocked

seven minutes before eviction, John said he was blind-siding someone, but it wouldn’t be him

Vanessa tells Steve to look nervous before the eviction

John said that he would take out Steve, and Austin fist-bumps him

John wante to win the comp so bad, thinks he will be evicted, never won HoH and being in Final Four

Liz is livid of Steve winning the HoH

Vanessa and Liz talking now, Vanessa says hardest decision to make in the game, Liz says was sad the way it happened, Vanessa understands, Vanessa telling her to switch her game, Liz can’t stand Steve and John is “whatever”, Liz has to work with Vanessa even if it sickens her because she’s all she’s got. Vanessa offering a final two deal

Vanessa and John talking, they said they need Steve to play, he can’t throw it. Vanessa saying she’s taking John to the finals

John agrees to deal to make her feel 100% safe with him

Nom Ceremony

Steve noms John and Vanessa

Liz points out that the Vanessa has never been on the screen before

Steve says moves were strategic

everyone relaxed with the noms lol because all depends on the Veto

Steve doesn’t want Vanessa to stay in the house, doesn’t trust her


Jury House

everyone thinks that Vanessa will walk in through the doors

Meg does not understand why Julia is here and not Liz

Julia has no animosity towards Steve

everyone thinks everyone left are deserving

Austin walks in and everyone like WHAAAAAAAAAAT

they’re like who voted you out? Steve?



everyone blown away


Shelli says that she knows that he’s hurt but she has played a very good game

Austin thinks that it was a flawed game

Shelli says she knew how to stay in the house,  it’s amazing

Meg and Jackie never expected the final four

Brendan and Rachel are here with Julie!

what has surprised Rachel the most?

Rachel: no floaters at the end! even John is there!

Brendan, you and John both evicted. but you stayed at Jury.

Brendan: John rep. well. he maneuvered way through game when he needed to. he needs to win Fianl comp to convince the Jury

let’s talk romance, first two HG’s to get married, let’s talk Liz and Austin

Rachel: I think they have a shot outside house, Austin will take a shot 1000%, really like each other, brings a special bond (her voice sounds higher)

Brendan: they got a shot, but also to get half a million

big news?

there is a #BrenchelBaby! “No-one getting between me and my man”

Julie has Team Brenchel onsie!


Veto Comp



BB Dojo

Martial Smarts

events that happened in BB house, what day it arrived

two strikes are out of comp

Vanessa wants to go to Final Three with Vanessa

Steve wants to use Veto on Johnny

Liz has a strike for ringing in last

Liz rang in last again, eliminated

Liz is beyond frustrated

John feels pretty good

John remembers the day well he got zinged and eliminated

Steve is striked once

Steve striked twice, eliminated

Steve thought he was too comfortable with his HoH and said being too confident did not have head secure in game


John gets strike

Vanessa wins Veto

Liz feels she is going to Final Three but has a bit of doubt


Live finale one week from tonight!

Vanessa uses Veto on herself, Liz goes on block

John says it has been an awesome summer, he’s had fun, he knows that some people are too discreet to be excited, looks at Liz, so that’s a given that Vanessa will vote for Liz to stay?!

Vanessa evicts John. 😦 that’s terrible. I don’t wanna watch anymore I am rooting for Steve only reason I will watch URGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH JOHN YOU’RE THE ROCKSTAR


I think he may be the favourite

the HG’s heard the audience

Steve thought he was the twist

John is not surprised to sit with Julie, would have evicted Vanessa lol

didn’t know what he was doing the whole time, he should have evicted Steve? get the showmance out?

thinks Austin is probably fine

says good luck to them, that’s it

he expects to see Vanessa and Steve in the F2


Thanks for the 3384 HITS

  • Louise

BB17 – Episode 37 [SPOILERS]

15 Sep


Julie calling everyone to the living room to sit on the side chairs only, not the eviction chairs. She bears news of a surprise eviction episode.

Day 87

Steve is going to pee, is upset that Vanessa siding with the showmance

John going to do everything it takes to win, not to going to walk out without giving everything he’s got

Vanessa’s main target is John, she knows that he will be taken to Final three over her

Steve and Vanessa hugs, Vanessa tells him that he’s her friend, he says she’s good, doesn’t need to worry

Steve doesn’t understand why she’s crying, hope it isn’t a play to make him feel bad for her

Vanessa said it was what she believed in, says he won’t go home this week, followed gut

John says he would consider throwing the Veto to the showmance to show that he trusts them, says like Final three with them

Austin thins that John has lost his marbles or has become one with Judas

Austin tells Vanessa that John will throw the Veto, she’s like WHAT


HG’s get to see Life in Pieces

Liz would watch it; says her family is very dysfunctional

The VETO is in the background literally in a backyard

You must piece Life in Pieces puzzle together before twenty seconds because it is magnetized

Vanessa is eliminated

John’s strategy is to build the whole puzzle in the box then doesn’t need to focus on hitting timer, John should just win the Veto… don’t rely on the showmance but now John thinking of throwing it

John going to finish the thing seeing that Steve is closing in fast


I think Steve might go home 😦

Austin needs to talk to Vanessa to see what she thinks now, to put up


John is happy that he has the Veto! Steve says it was close

Vanessa is stressing in DR and in the HoH, crying, is mad

Austin says to John “good job”

Austin saying he or him could control the votes, or he and Liz

Steve in storage room, saying that Vanessa should cry her eyes out, thinks that she should have put up the showmance instead of them and it wouldn’t have happened, Steve thinks that Vanessa would keep him over Liz

Austin and Vanessa talking, she says she does not want to send out Steve this week

Veto Meeting

John uses Veto to save himself (trying something different, usually he doesn’t lol)

Vanessa puts Austin on block, says Liz was on block last week

Austin okay with the nom, but he knows that Vanessa is a good gameplayer

Vanessa talking with John, saying his strategy is one of a kind, Vanessa asks if they will be the dumbest people if they do not take out the showmance, John says yes lol, Vanessa says final three is locked in if they keep Steve, she says she wants to work with John

John wants to keep Austin to piss off Vanessa… but why…

Judas loves the madman in John that wants to take the showmance to final three

Now John please don’t do that if you want a chance don’t please…



Liz – Steve


Vanessa votes in the event of a tie, evicts AUSTIN

Liz is shocked, so is Austin, Austin says she won’t win the Jury votes

Austin leaves pissed, not wearing shoes

Liz is crying, and so is Vanessa…

First time with Austin on the block, evicted

Austin says that she saw the chance to take out him, but thought final two was locked, she chose to Judas Judas, he thought he was going to win the game, Austin fell in love with Liz


HoH Comp

“What the Bleep”

Determine what is the word bleeped

Score: 1-1-1 for John, Liz, Steve in that order



Lol this bleep could be taken very dirty-mindedly







Tie-breaker between John and Steve

In seconds, how long was under the rainbow comp to when Vanessa hit button to win HoH

Steve – 601 NOPE 701 NOPE 601

John- 3600


Steve forgot a 0 LOL HE WAS GOING TO SAY 6000 INSTEAD OF 600


Brendon and Rachel join Julie live tomorrow!

Liz is in bed


Thanks for the 3374 HITS

  • Louise

BB17 – Episode 36 [SPOILERS]

13 Sep


John and Vanessa were almost tying, then, Vanessa wins HoH!

Vanessa arms hurt so bad, Steve believes it

John feels good about Vanessa winning, he thinks that the remaining showmance is too dangerous

Liz thinks that Vanessa has been a bit sketchy, thinks that she could be a threat, hopes Vanessa still likes her because she likes girls and she’s a girl

Vanessa, step one, is to ask everyone the deals they have and who is lying and who is telling the truth, has a big pot of paranoia again

Austin sees that her paranoia is going through her head again

Steve tells Vanessa that if Austin were HoH, he or Vanessa or John would be put up, but Austin said he would keep him safe, he was not his target, if Liz was HoH, said that he would be on the block

Steve saying that before the live eviction, he made a deal with Liz, but now Vanessa knows that she was in a plan to go home? doesn’t know what to do now

Vanessa is upset with Liz, telling Austin. She asks who he would put up? and Austin says he would take John to final four, he had to say what he had to say, she says it’s hard to believe people when they have to say what they have to say, Austin asks her not to be mad at him… she thinks there’s something shady going on again

She’s talking to John now, John said that Austin would put him and Steve, she asked who made a deal? he said she was told by her to make a deal, she doesn’t remember lol

Vanessa doesn’t feel good about ti at-all

Liz and Austin talking, he says Vanessa is mad that she made a deal with Steve

Liz goes to talk to Vanessa in the storage room, she says that Austin is bugging out, saying that she would never put her up if an HoH, she took out James, never backstabbed her, Austin has been dealing with her paranoia all summer, thinks it’s essential to calm her down as she interrogates everyone during this time, Vanessa says that she believes her, Steve realizes that they’re talking in the storage room, runs away, Liz says that she needs to say what she needs to say, Austin says that he never told John what he was going to do, but that’s a lie, he did talk with John however, Austin says that he might need John, get to final four together, Vanessa keeps saying that John told her that he talked to Austin, Austin keeps denying, he is willing to say whatever he needs to say, Vanessa going to use gut to make decision


Vanessa knows the obvious choice is the couple, but she says that Steve would much rather take John than her because she’s won four HoH’s and he’s won none, and has already been evicted once

Steve likes the numbers advantage, Vanessa says there is no “we” with John, Steve says he wants a three-way with them, says the reason why he was HoH, was to have a three-two going into final three

Vanessa saying to Austin that she needs them to follow what she says, as John is the target, Austin says that he and Judas will fight, won’t use Veto, will fight for HoH

Austin says on Day 2 that he wanted to go to Final two with Vanessa, and he intends to keep his word, putting it on his love with Liz

Vanessa wants to believe Austin, if it works out, best deal that she made



it’s Frankie not really a big fan of this

Steve is fangirling

he is here because Liz won the Luxury Comp, she gets to go to Ariana Grande’s concert at Staples Centre, gets to meet her, gets a suite to herself,  she gets to pick someone to come with her, hmm… Vanessa or Austin? she picks Vanessa because it’s a girl trip, Austin pointed his finger at Vanessa before the choice, Vanessa thinks her integrity is solid now, Vanessa is a Frankie fan

they have to disguise themselves, Liz looks like Katherine Heigl, Vanessa has a purple wig?

get all pass Ariana Granda passes

they are meeting Ariana now, Vanessa is in shock that she knows them, Liz is so celeb shocked now

they get gifts, Ariana swag bags, her fragrance

Vanessa is so awkward

Liz happy she took Vanessa with her

the boys, meanwhile… and then the girls come back

Liz is Dakota, Vanessa is Roxy

John is really happy that they had a good time, but nom coming up and they need to be focussing


Vanessa telling John that she doesn’t know who to put up, caught between two romances, John in the DR says he hasn’t made-out with Steve

John telling her to put the him and Steve up

Vanessa asking him if there will be any hard feelings. he says no

Vanessa nominates Steve and John

Vanessa says she adores Steve, says she has respect for John, he was a runner-up to HoH’s, won BoB, won three Vetos, knows in her gut that the only loyalty they have is to each other

Thanks !

Thanks for 3359 HITS

  • Louise

BB17 – Episode 35 [SPOILERS]

10 Sep


Vanessa truly adores the girls, but says it was better strategically for them to be on the block. survived seven evictions

John doesn’t feel bad, Steve wants to throw up

Liz never fathomed that one of them would be leaving, Liz saying it’s her sister’s time to shine, she wants her sister to stay, but Julia says she deserves to stay

Liz would fight to stay if Austin was next to her, would leave with integrity and say nothing bad about twin, no money is worth their relationship

Vanessa can’t believe her and John are still here, says Liz can beat her, John wants Julia to stay, Steve wants Liz to stay, Vanessa is the swing vote

Liz asks Austin if he trusts Vanessa, he says he thinks so, he says that she thinks that everyone is taking her to final two, Julia walks in, they have an epiphany, Liz would not take her to the final two, Julia wants Liz to stay, at peace with her decision, Liz 100% dead set on staying

Austin telling Vanessa about plan to keep Liz, Vanessa saying not an easy decision

Vanessa saying that she could keep Liz if she can go to final four with them, if nom’s stay, it’s her call to keep who to stay whether John or Steve, and then final three will be taken to final two, but Liz doesn’t plan to keep the agreement but nods head

Steve plans to get a tat outside of house of Mom, Vanessa giving pros of keeping Julia to Steve: more likely to win HoH, getting rid of someone can’t beat in finals, theoretically… con of keeping Julia, anyone can bring her to final three, seems scary to leave Liz in the game


have been in house for 85 days

John says friends and family are thinking wow he is really stupid and messing everything up

there are tapes from home! getting to watch on screen

John’s immediate family

Austin’s siblings are so cute with CUTE PUPPIES

Vanessa’s girlfriend

Twins parents wow look like their Mom

Steve’s Mom !

Steve is crying aww



Shelli is so proud of John for making it so far

Meg was a social threat in the house, watching tape from Meg weeks

Meg can’t even if James walks in

James walked in and scared them all lol

going to continue to aggravate her for more days now

watching James’s tape

Shelli thinks Vanessa’s deserves final two, but still rooting for Steve and John


Austin votes Julia

Vanessa – Julia nono not the right move



Liz crying that Julia left

Julia confident that sister will make it to final two, thought Austin would go out if she challenged him, thoughts on Austin, is a great guy, supports relationship, is a great guy for him

John is sad that couldn’t evict both sisters… but have fun in Jury!

Steve will stay in the touch

Liz loves her so much

Austin sorry couldn’t protect sisters, hope to see her at Christmas dinner with family, can see him as being a future brother-in-law? “that’s a bit of a long shot”


HoH Comp

“Under the Rainbow”

get ten eggs in the holder to be HoH, Luxury prize, too, will be a trip outside of house, will be played until both are won

Steve is dressed as a leprechaun


Tuesday will have a special eviction episode, since Football is coming, schedule changes for rest of season. Wednesday has another eviction.

Thanks !

Thanks for 3340 HITS !

  • Louise

BB17 – Episode 34 [SPOILERS]

9 Sep


Liz is disappointed that she has to be in this position with her boyfriend

Austin says that he is ensured safety and now has to choose between the girl and the glory

Steve going to play a more outward character in the house to make big moves for the Jury to see

Liz didn’t think that Steve would betray them

Liz says it’s really hard to depend on Julia, for the Veto, says would never do it to him, but is now war

Steve hates hurting people, avoids confrontation, Austin thinks that he’s good for not being on the block until now

Julia thinks that if Austin won the Veto, then Vanessa could go up, they want to throw the comp for Julia for her to win it and so the twins can vote to keep him safe

Veto Comp

It’s Bowlerina that broke up McCranda in BB15

Mr Pectacular is back… Austin says he’s 5’ tall and has no layers no pecs because twins are drooling over Jesse

Spin fifteen times and bowl

Liz challenges Steve

Steve falls off the floor lol

Liz wins match

Vanessa telling Julia to pick Austin, John thinks that if it happens, he will think she is genius, Austin asks Liz if Julia will challenge John, she says “yes”, Austin thinks that there is a conspiracy going on and thinks he is the target now because Julia just picked Austin


Liz doesn’t know why Julia picked Austin, Vanessa telling Liz that it’s a smart play, she says that if Austin wins, it is the worst case scenario, Liz doesn’t think that it was julia’s best choice, Austin thinks that he’s being played, Julia shouldn’t have picked him she thinks now, Austin thinks that he has been betrayed

Liz doesn’t know who to root for

Austin wins the round

Steve asks Julia why she picked Austin, but works out for Steve

John challenges Liz, thinks it’s better for his game for her to leave

John spun slower for balls to count

Wow John got them all out on the first fifteen seconds

Vanessa challenges Austin, Austin feels betrayed again, he sees nothing but red, going to destroy Vanessa

John says Austin is an enraged gorilla crawling on his hands and knees lol

Austin wins

John verses Austin

John going to let Austin win

Judas is here, Austin isn’t here anymore, Jesse is uncomfortable

Liz not a fan of his reaction

Jesse rips open his shirt


Liz cannot believe that Julia did it, Austin knew that it was Vanessa when Julia told her that she was told it, Julia does not know if was played, Vanessa saying that it is not Austin’s incentive to play the game with the both of them, he would not have thrown it if it came down to it, Vanessa swears on her Mom, girlfriend, that she wasn’t playing them, Steve walks in, “not now, Steve”, Vanessa saying why would he ever throw the comp, he could never win the final three with them, she was told by Austin that he was more thinking of himself, okay with one of the twins leaving, Julia wondering why he didn’t throw it to him, Vanessa says ideally he wants Julia out,, Vanessa says she has never trusted him, Julia won’t campaign over sister


Liz asks Austin if he has been hiding stuff from her, he asks if that is what Vanessa has said to him, Liz asks if there’s something she doesn’t know, Liz is over it, going to leave the game with integrity, Austin admits that he wants to look out for his game

Lix tells Vanessa and Julia that she has learned a lot, is no Clay, and he is really selfish, Julia says doesn’t trust him, Liz doesn’t want to talk to him ever again

Steve and John talking, John tells how Vanessa told Julia to go against Austin, knows peole are arguing in the game, Steve doesn’t want to sit next to her in the final two

\Steve says John should wear his robe sometime, “bucko”, “yeah, next week”

Austin says it was a tough situation, did not want to be a pawn for girlfriend, he wants to save himself and save everyone or walk out of game like Clay “But no-one respects that”….

Vanessa nd Austin talking, Vanessa saying if he threw it to Julia, Julia would win, thought it was a huge attack to her, Austin apologize, he is frustrated, he’s going to play nice with her right now, still staying loyal to her, not telling anything to Liz, Austin thinks that he is the agent putting them up against each ther, Vanessa says that could not use the Veto, laughs, Austin says it ain’t happenin’

Liz says she wants to be with her sister, Austin tells her that he did not want to hurt her, Liz feels that his reaction proved everything to her, says their thing will not end right now, Liz doesn’t know what to believe, Austin says he loves her, says has done everything he could to save them, Liz says ahas won mre HoH’s, Liz doesn’t need him anymore, it might be the end for them, Austin says he ruined his life with hi, he left his girlfriend officially for her, Austin cannot believe this, Liz tells him to walk away, Austin doesn’t know what to say if she doesn’t believe the moments were real

“Get the —- out of here” – Liz

Julia asks if he is going to wear the Veto all day, and Julia thinks that he’s going to rub it all in

Julia moves his stuff over and throws it across the room, “I’m Judas”, puts on the hat, Julia hates him, thinks he’s disgusting, says he is “ugly”, “without the pony-tail beard he’s kinda cute” – Liz


Liz apologizes, Austin says things were confusing, Austin meant that he took a big risk, wasn’t a ruin, kiss and make up

Judas uses the Veto on himself, Steve puts Julia up

Julia thinks that her sister deserves it more


Thanks for the 3335 HITS

  • Louise