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BB17 – Episode 17 [SPOILERS]

30 Jul


Jackie feels like a total idiot

Meg is angry and upset about Jason being on block

Becky going to lay low

Jason says this is his life, means more to him than others do

Austin’s dreams just came true, says the blindside was beautiful

Meg asking Clay if he knew about the blindside, he said he did not know, Clay says he thinks that Austin made a deal with Austin

Meg talking with Vanessa in HoH room, she’s saying she’s so hurt today, said was very excited with her, but now feels like a “dumb girl”, Vanessa said she would not have done it if everyone didn’t want it

Jackie talking with Vanessa, Vanessa said it comes up to who she trusts, Shelli says she doesn’t want Jason to go, Vanessa asking her if she’s behind her back, Jackie knows that Shelli was on plan with this because she freaked out when she asked her if she knew about Jason

Meg says she’s livid, talking with Jackie, Jackie says they’re all working together, says they’ve all been hanging together during eviction, Jason now in cabana room, and James

Meg keeps crying, Jackie crying, Jackie feels like she let Jason down, they say that they’re all so stupid, Meg wants them to stop putting up their people

Vanessa talking with Clay and Shelli, Shelli says the target is her and Clay because people keep asking them if they knew about the blindside, Vanessa sparks a bit of a doubt in her trust in Shelli and Clay because they denied knowing about the blindside


Jason and allies know who stabbed him in the back

Jackie wants Jason to stay, Jason says Steve and John, or Clelli, or Liz and Austin could keep him, Jackie feels like Clelli won’t vote for him, need to convince them that Becky will go after them, but Liz hates him

Jason talking with Clelli, first part of plan: make them paranoid, says he could be more loyal to them than Becky, says Becky will put them up next week, second part: will going to give them whatever they want. says when Julia comes in, Liz Austin and Julia will be a three-headed monster

John #DrMac

Maria is his office manager, says he’s very professional at work, seeing very different side of him, he’s very good with patients, his patients miss him, Josh, a patient, totally trusts him,

Frank, his Dad, says he was a very good kid, health-class made him sick to his stomach so he wanted to be a dentist

Jordan is his younger brother, says his strategy was to get everyone to like him, then stab each one in the back

No-one knows the real Johnny-Mac, is an enigma



Becky is basic, Jason is wild, he is good at cooking

Austin – Jason

Meg – Becky

Liz – Jason

James – wearing squirrel hat, Becky

Steve – strong dislike for Becky, but votes for Jason

Jackie – Jason

Shelli – Jason

Clay – Jason

John – Jason

Vote 7-2, Jason evicted : ( gonna miss that personality

Jason doesn’t want them to be lazy farts, telling them to play hard when he watches at home, the audience is loud as he exits the house !

Meg is crying 😦

Jason feels that Clelli betrayed them the most, thinks that they’re running it, thinks Vanessa has more soul and good game-player

Jason says it’s probably his downfall for just gossiping about the twist

Jason says Meg has a jello leg, thinks Meg could go far

“Oh my lanta”

Shelli telling him about the Sixth Sense, says he will be missed in the house

Jackie says he should’ve won the game

Liz says have fun watching in Mom’s basement

Meg says she misses him so much already, doesn’t know what she will do without him

Jason knew the twins were evil, knew Meg was one of the sweetest girls in the world, knew Shelli couldn’t be trusted, says he knew everything from the beginning


Julia finds out that she’s entering the house, enters the house, ahh

everyone gathering in living room

Liz super excited, goes to greet her with a hug

James is like “woah”

switched places 14 times, game is resetting, twin twist is over, BoB is over, one HoH only

battle of endurance, first solo HoH game of the summer


HoH Comp – “On the Edge”

have to hang on the cliff, last one on wins

the wall tilts, there’s a storm, rain falls on everyone


They are being hit by eagles with loud noises oh

Thank-yah !

Thank-yah for the 2427 HITS

– Louise