Archive | July, 2012

Abs, Hard as a Table? 19 Flippin’ Medals?! Magnificent.

31 Jul

“Easy reading is damn hard writing.Nathaniel Hawthorne”

Hey guys! πŸ™‚ Louise here.

Soo it was my friend’s birthday-dinner today (but her birthday was actually on the 21st, do you remember in one of my Posts I stated that it was her birthday? Click the calendar if you’d like.), and one of our friend’s was talking about this guy, and he had abs, and I asked, “Are abs as hard as a table?” and yeh know we were in a restaurant, the table was hard, and then all of my friends started to laugh real hard, and then I said, “Well, I don’t think that they’re like pillows, right? Abs aren’t that soft, right?” and that just made them laugh even harder… but yeah, abs are hard. Not to worry. πŸ™‚

Apart from abs, the birthday-girl made Cake Pops! I think that’s what they’re called.

Anyways, I haven’t had it yet, it’s too pretty to eat. I might post a picture later.
I’ll eat it sometime in August, though haha not to worry. It has purple icing and it’s currently in the fridge.

On other news…


The Men’sΒ 4x200m Freestyle Relay for the U.S.A. Team was incredible, all the men were just fantastic, it was holy crud inTENSE and wowie wowie wowie this was just an amazing scene to watch, lemme see if I can find the video for you guys…

… here’s an article:Β–michael-phelps-sets-all-time-olympic-record-with-19th-medal.htmlΒ Video?Β Video?

and HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JOANNE KATHLEEN ROWLING, you are an absolutely wonderful and incredible author who brought the magnificent Harry Potter books to our lives… may you have an amazing birthday and best wishes to you! :’)

Thanks, guys! ‘Night!

– Louise =]

P.S. Happy last day of July! πŸ™‚ Hope it was great for you all!

This Night’s Almost Over!

30 Jul

“Proofread carefully to see if you any words out.Author Unknown”

^ haha! I love this Quote! Happens to me sometimes LOL LOL LOL

Soo… proofreading-wise… “Proofread carefully to see if you have left any words out.”

Is that right? lol :-B

Hey guys! πŸ™‚

A really really short post today.

^ “This Night’s Almost Over” by Pacific

You should all get the FREE DOWNLOAD of the song before JULY ends!

This band has guys like Dean Collins and Daniel Pashman, some guys you guys might have heard of…

and on other news I watched some Gymnastics yesterday and today on the Olympics CTV Channel, and it was pretty cool, China is like Pro at everything, with their like what, 400, 500 + people? :O That’s crazy.

Canada has 277 people!

Alrighty, that’s it.

Typing on my laptop again! πŸ™‚ Which is pretty cool.

Thanks, guys! πŸ™‚

– Louise =]

P.S. For reference:Β

P.P.S. This Balloon Theme is absolutely wonderful –Β

I might use it in one of my other Blogs… just maybe… or a new one haha but I dunno if I can handle that :-B


FIRST CANADIAN MEDAL WON! :’) + What’s a Calzone? :S

29 Jul

“If the writing is honest it cannot be separated from the man who wrote it. Tennessee Williams

Hello guys! πŸ™‚ Louise here.

I’m feeling a little better today, saw some of the kids today from my DayCamp at the singing today, it was a lotta fun and I was glad to see 6 of my 11 kids come to sing and participate in this fun, worthwhile event. πŸ™‚

The FIRST CANADIAN MEDAL WON FOR LONDON 2012 OLYMPICS was byΒ Γ‰milie Heymans and Jennifer Abel! :’)This was for Women’s Synchronized 3m Springboard!

Here are a buncha links which you guys can refer to:





FACT from the CTVOLYMPICS.CA website:

Did you know:

The most decorated Olympic canoeist/kayaker is Germany’s Birgit Fischer, who won 12 medals over six Olympic Games, spanning 24 years.

On other news…

… what’s a Calzone? :O

Thanks, guys πŸ™‚

– Louise =]

Mood Music

Friday Fifteen

Olympic-Sized Art

^ That’s awesome.

Feeling Under the Weather. Bleugh.

28 Jul

“Words, once they are printed, have a life of their own. Carol Burnett

Hey everybody! Louise here.

^Even though I wrote with an exclamation mark, doesn’t mean that I’m necessarily excited at the moment.Β  I feel dead. My throat hurts, my cheeks felt hot at some point today, and there was some pounding in my forehead.

Ugh. I just feel really tired right now. Might as well watch some T.V. Shows.

Big Brother is on tomorrow, so I’m excited to see that. I wonder who Shane will put up as his two nominees!

I hope to chat with you guys tomorrow.

I saw tennis on the London Olympics 2012 for Roger vrs. Alejandre (I think that’s how you spell his name), and I saw Beach Volleyball with China vrs. Russia (Russia won) which disappointed the China team because I think that they were expected to win but the Russians did a great job, and tads of Men’s Individual 400m Medley, I think it was, but stopped because Canada wasn’t in it and I was sad that the Canadian in the swimming one got kicked out because he started 1/100th’s too fast? I dunno. Got some details here and there.

I refuse to watch the NBC Channel for the Olympics because I’m too stubborn to go and watch it, I love Canada, so I watch CTV LOL LOL LOL but that does NOT mean that I do not like the Americans, I like ’em just fine, like Italians and French people and all that, I just like watching on this Canadian channel because well, I’m Canadian :-B

He’ll be doing the Freestyle Swimming in like 8 or 9 days? Next week? I don’t remember.

I hope you guys enjoyed the first day of the Olympic Games, and have a good night! πŸ™‚

– Louise =]


27 Jul

“I try to leave out the parts that people skip. Elmore Leonard

Hey guys! πŸ™‚

I watched more or less some, most, maybe? of the Opening Ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games… it was really nice to hear Canada get a loud cheer :-B

I’m surprised of how many countries I have NEVER heard of before. Like that fourth-smallest country in the world? :O The Princess and Prince will be visiting it in September of this year.

I was SOO excited to see Mr. Bean in the Opening Ceremony! :’) A classic typical move by Mr. Bean! ahaha

Seeing J.K. Rolwing and hearing he read Peter Pan was just magnificent. I’ve missed her voice! Apparently it was a rare performance since her HP days.

and the Jame Bond, I recognized Daniel Craig from The Golden Compass :-B Not James Bond LOL LOL LOL

The Queen didn’t actually fly out of the plane, right? lol I don’t think it was her :-B

I’ll post more on this hopefully tomorrow (no guarantees) but I’ll edit this or start a new one.

Thanks! I’m just really tired right now, sorry :S


– Louise =]

BB14: Contains Spoilers for People Who Haven’t Watched This Thursday’s Episode Yet.

26 Jul

“I love being a writer. What I can’t stand is the paperwork. Peter De Vries

Hello guys! Louise here! πŸ™‚

I am SUPER stoked to tell you guys that SHANE WON HoH AND I COULDN’T BE ANYMORE HAPPIER; I LITERALLY jumped up and down and off the couch and I screamed and whooped and cheered and did the whole celebration thing and wows I was just SO so proud of the Shane and I absolutely love him to bits, and now that Jojo is gone (I am quite sad about that :(), Shane HASTA stay in this house, and it is absolutely BRILLIANT that he won HoH. :’)

Man oh man. That was a tense episode for me.

I think that Danielle should’ve gone home because she was the last player remaining on Dan’s team, and that being said, if she went home, Dan would go home too, and there would be only three teams left because one would be eliminated already.
I don’t mind Dan and Danielle, but still. I would have liked Jojo to stay because Britney’s team is my favourite.

Janelle pisses me off and I don’t mind Boogie right now.

What do you Americans think (since us Canadians aren’t allowed to vote although a Canadian BB is gonna be entering in 2013 which is cool, but I’ll still wanna be watching the U.S. one as well) of the Coaches being thrown back into the game, just like Britney’s theory? :O

Should they remain as Coaches? Or be thrown back into the game as players?

Personally, I dunno. I want them to remain as Coaches, but if one of their players goes home, and they were the last ones, that Coach will hafta go home as well.
But, arguably, if the Coaches are back as Players, they could very well STILL be allianced with their former Team Players and if that allianced member were to go home, they could still remain in the game for a period of time. :] Gotta think about the advantages and disadvantages of this voting, vote carefully you guys!


TOMORROW IS THE LAST DAY of DayCamp with the kids.

I’ll write my experience about it hopefully during the next couple of days, from Day 1 to Day 5, plus Sunday, where we see some of the kids again to see our songs in-front of the kids families and stuffs πŸ™‚

Talk to you guys later, okay?

Thanks for sticking with me + the 34 Views. :’) Means the world to me.

Ciao for now! πŸ™‚

– Louise =]


P.P.S. Today I discovered $5.00 cookies… and there were 50 of them! :O :O :O

THEY USED TO BE $8.00, TOO, but my Mom refused to buy ’em.

I’ll go and buy ’em tomorrow. πŸ™‚ They were sugar cookies with pink sprinkles on ’em. πŸ™‚ Yumzers!

P.P.P.S. For reference:

Funny funny funny.

A Big Brother Talk About Willie and Others… Plus Today’s Episode.

25 Jul

“Sometimes when I think how good my book can be, I can hardly breathe. Truman Capote

Hello everybody!

Louise here. πŸ™‚

I am here to talk about Big Brother today and maybe DayCamp stuffs but I think mainly BB.

Now, I never got to talk about Sunday’s episode, right? I just watched other BB videos instead of talking about it with you guys. This is gonna be one of my “thoughts”, hence the Subtitle for this Blog.

– Watch BB? Then you’ll know what I’m talking about.

Don’t watch it but still interested? Read on, please! Thanks . πŸ™‚

Wanna watch it some other time? This holds Spoilers, in that case.

Read on if you’re okay with either of these three things!

Thanks! πŸ™‚ –

Sunday’s episode event, with the expulsion of Willie, happened on Friday.

I wrote a big long comment about this, and what I thought about the whole Willie event that took place.

I have valid reasons as to why I don’t think this was entirely all Willie’s fault (of course, I’m not defending his actions at all but I think it all built up to this).
Remember, this is just my opinion. You can agree or disagree with it. Your choice.

1. Do you guys remember that big fight that happened between Willie and Frank (btw I don’t like Frank anymore which I will explain WHY)? It must’ve happened the episode before Sunday’s or the one before that.
Anyways, it was a fight of mixed swear words and alliance talk and all that, just one getting upset after the other because I think it was Joe who must’ve told Frank that Willie was making “gay slurs” (btw if that is a bad word I DEEPLY apologize and I will take it out and try to replace it with another! :S) against Wil while up in the HoH room.
Willie had been saying that Wil was gonna take “24 hours off” from the BB Game I think and he was simply mimicking him, he was not trying to intentionally make fun of Wil himself. He was simply making a mimic, not making fun of him. It was Frank that was the one that twisted around the way that Willie had said it from his version from Joe (who had been in the HoH Room at the time with Willie along with a whole bunch of others).
When Frank had explained to Wil what Willie had said, he made his voice all high and waved his hands around, obviously something that Wil would be upset about. So it was Frank that had twisted everything up.
I think Wil was actually upset about that from Frank’s version of the story, but maybe then again it was for his Gameplay. You never know.
This was one of the things that stirred up the fight between Frank and Willie, causing them to not like each other anymore and not being “allianced” anymore.
Innocent people of the house sat by/stood and watched, not breaking up the fight of words exchanged between the two.

That was probably the first thing that stirred up Willie’s anger.

2. Frank is SAFE.
By a vote of 5-3 (I think), Kara was voted to leave the BB House.
Second thing that made him angry. Frank didn’t get voted out of the house and he knew that if Frank managed to win HoH, he would not think twice about putting him up on the block for Nominations.

3. Frank was nominated as HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD.
After the fight that he and Willie just had?
Willie knows that he will be put up on the Block against another. Probably one of his teammates because they were allianced with him and had voted to get Frank out of the house.
Third thing that made him angry.

4. Ever since that fight between Frank and Willie, it seems that most of the House is against him except for his teammates.
Fourth thing that made him angry.

5. Brittany doesn’t want Shane and Jojo to be associated with Willie.
To her, Willie was an embarrassment and tries to distance her and the others away from him: to not talk to him, not to be alone in the same room with him.
Fifth thing that probably made him upset and mad.

6. To me, I think that Brittany could’ve been a better coach to Willie (and you guys know that I love Brittany, she was one of my utmost favourites on BB12), and instead, she didn’t talk to him.

7. Willie goes up the HoH room and tells Boogie and Janelle and Frank and whoever else who was up there to tell them to stay away from Brittany and Jojo (which was SUUper nice of him) and to go after him, instead.
After all, he was the one that they were all trying to get out of the house.
He then says that he was gonna get evicted from the game before the Eviction (or Nomination?) ceremony.
I think that was maybe to scare them? I dunno. He then walks out.

7. Janelle is being a brat towards Willie (I don’t like Janelle) and first of all is really mean when she’s like “Well, I’m definitely gonna pick Willie.” when she won the Coach’s Competition to keep one of her players safe, which was Ashley.
Willie, Jojo (associated with Willie), Shane (seriously? That’s so unfair. Second have-not in a row.), and Ian (put his hand up to volunteer) were the Have-Nots for the week.
Guess who’s pissed?
Willie. Sixth thing.
Then she calls him a jerk which causes Willie to retort back and he goes back into the Have-Not room after eating some pork rinds (one of the Have-Not foods, the other one was pudding).
8. He walks around and then comes back out, with Brittany and Jojo still in the kitchen (I dunno where Shane is).
Joe (I really don’t like him, I don’t like a lot of players in this game which is disappointing), being a complete IDIOT, goes up and taunts Willie, getting up in his personal space. He must’ve taken the “being evicted before the Ceremony” thing literally.
At this rate, Willie’s a ticking time bomb. The fuse is sparkling and then he just exPLODES.
Something causes Joe to run away towards the bathroom (where Ian in a towel and maybe another person is in) and Willie chases after him, yelling “WHAT DID YOU SAY?” in a very angry tone, heavily pissed off.
Joe defends himself in a blocking position, I think? while Willie this time gets up in his face, their foreheads touching. Ian is yelling for help.
Willie then kinda does a flopping whack that didn’t look like it would hurt Joe, and he called it a “headbutt”.
After, Willie is called to the DR (Diary Room) and is then removed from the game.
“Violence is not tolerated in the Big Brother House”, says the Executive Producer, Ashley. I don’t know if that was actually her name. “The game will continue on as normal.”
Britney just lost a player.

9. I think Joe and Frank are both at fault for Willie’s actions: Frank for being a jerk and pissing Willie off and Joe for being an idiot and getting into Willie’s face first.

This is just my opinion, once again.

Wow, long Post! :O

But I’m not done yet. I’ve still to talk about today’s Episode.


Today’s episode.

I was quite anxious to see what had happened since last episode, wondering how the House was going about with Willie’s removal from the game.

When Shane and Jojo were put up on the Block, and was SO sad. πŸ˜₯

Two of Britney’s players, and they were teammates and best friends. πŸ˜₯

When Boogie had suggested to put up a pawn and Danielle or whatever, I don’t remember, I wanted Frank to make that move.
But he didn’t.

Anywhoos, the Veto competition.

When Jojo got all of her things right, I was so proud! :’) I clapped and smiled. But Ian beat her time with a correct score so it was only up to Shane.

Now, I had an itching sensation that Shane had won the Veto competition because of his tone in the DR. Was that just me?Β  lol anyways…



Man oh man… I was so proud of him too :’) I was like Brittany ahahaha if I was there I would’ve just jumped around and screamed and given him a big ol’ hug :’)

Anyways, he made an alliance with Frank and Boogie (they are strong players).. without telling Brittany or Jojo. Or Danielle.

I seriously hope Jojo stays in this game. I wasn’t that big a fan of Danielle, but I do feel sorry that she is the only player left on Dan’s team 😦 and she isn’t really aligned with anyone.

Ohohoh I cannot WAIT for tomorrow’s Live Eviction episode!


Thanks for reading this super long Post holy cruds. I hope this makes up for the others.

– Louise =]

P.S. For reference: – Looks quite realistic, no joke, when I saw it on Freshly Pressed, the little icon for the picture, it looked oh-so-real.


Japan beat Canada 2-1 in the Soccer game. 😦

Some athletes are taken out of the Olympics because of a racist comment and dosing? I dunno.


Fish! and Water. and Hot Dogs. and Friends.

24 Jul

“Dreams are illustrations from the book your soul is writing about you. Marsha Norman

Helloo everybody πŸ™‚

I managed to type a somewhat decent Book Review today (WOOOO!) but right now I feel the opposite of yesterday; I might/will probably edit this tomorrow I CHANGED MY MIND.

Right now I am eating fish. Yumzers (I ain’t bein’ sarcastic when I say “Yumzers”).
Soo today I got SOAKED by a bucket of water, or something containing water, anyways, it doused my jeans (’cause it was cold this morning) and man they stuck, but dried. Because the sun dried it.
Anywhoos, we played a lotta Water Games today for the Youth hang-out after the DayCamp, and it was suuper fun. I met two? new people who are really nice and one of them looks like an actor LOL LOL LOL but it’s true! :O

We had Hot Dogs at the Youth hang-out which were absolutely DE-LI-CIOUS.

Yeahs! It was a pretty awesome day today. πŸ™‚ and I also bussed home with a really nice person πŸ™‚ Can you consider your sister’s friends your own friends if you talk to them some and hang out with them at times? πŸ™‚ Yeahs? πŸ™‚

How was your guy’s day today? Good? πŸ™‚

Sorry for the inconvenience :SΒ 

Sorry for such short Posts now-a-days, btw :S I don’t mean for that to happen. Hopefully they’ll return back to normal after this week.

– Louise =]

Mentally Exhausted. + lovelovelove.

23 Jul

“I do not like to write – I like to have written. Gloria Steinem

Hello everybody, Louise here πŸ™‚

I am feeling mentally exhausted right now, and maybe physically, too, but I think mentally exhausted, the kids today at Daycamp, they were wonderful, I love my Group and my Junior Leaders, I love the song we learned today, I loved hanging out after the first day of Camp was over… but I’m just so exhausted so I think I should head to bed but whenever I find the time to sit down and properly type a good write-up of how my day went today, I’ll edit this.

Thanks in advance and I’m so terribly sorry for saying that I’m gonna edit stuff continuously :/

– Louise =]

P.S. For reference:

Looks beautiful + like the Blog title:

P.P.S. Found out the important news today.

I think.



22 Jul

“The best style is the style you don’t notice. Somerset Maugham

Helllooo everybody! πŸ™‚

The Teen Choice Wards finished like thirteen minutes ago and it was fantastic πŸ™‚

I DO wish that Logan had won for Action Actor, but Taylor won five awards which was really cool. πŸ™‚

I seriously could NOT tell you how happy I was to see Taylor’s curly hair, or at least a hairstyle similar to her old one- I really did miss her curly hair (her straight hair is fine, don’t get me wrong, but I would love to see her old hairstyle back).

I’m watching BB right now and I’m worried, I hope Britney wins the Coach’s Competition, and man, I don’t even know what to say about Willie right now… :/ What about Shane and Jojo, y’know? –> Edit on BB: Really? Shane and Jojo for Have-Nots? I understand that she wanted Willie because she wants him out of the house, but Shane and Jojo? And Shane for a second week? Wow! Just seriously!

I was also really sad when Britney knocked down two blocks of money 😦 Oh man I think Willie is gonna be quite pissed later in this episode because of I don’t know what but I saw the Preview… :S … kind of scary…

Man. I’m gonna head off now and continue watching it.

But before I do…

… how was your guy’s day today? πŸ™‚ Good? Sunny? Rainy? Bad? Okay? Whatever?

I met a really funny and nice person today, I met her while doing Set-Up for the Day Camp which start TOMORROW SOO STOKED! I’ll let you know how it goes tomorrow- first day as a Group leader!

Talk to you guys soon! πŸ™‚

– Louise =]
P.S. Tomorrow is also the date where I find out something important. I just really hope at the moment that I will be okay.

P.P.S. Tags ain’t workin’. Dunno why.