Archive | April, 2013

Boston Marathon; Bombing, Loss, and Injuries, 2013

15 Apr

Hello, everyone.

I know I haven’t been on for a million years, and I don’t have that big of an excuse. I’ve just be super busy with school. I’m pretty stressed about it too, so I should try to avoid getting distracted on the Internet.

However, I felt the need to talk about something that I happened today.

After dinner, my Dad and I were watching the news and there were at-least five channels that were stationed on the Boston Marathon.

It was a nice day, and crowds stood around, cheering on the people who passed the finish the line.

It was when a good 23 000 people finished that two bombs went off, killing (from what I know) three people and injuring more than a hundred (121?).

If you click here and here, these are two sites where I was able to get more information on what had happened at the what seemed like a cheerful day.

I don’t know if it was targeted, if it was random, who stationed the bombs in the first place… all I can say is wow.


I am so sorry for the losses and injuries. I am so sorry that this had to happen.

This didn’t need to be a thing where it’ll scour newspaper headlines everywhere tomorrow, and it’ll be a devastating and terrible event that people will talk about for years. This didn’t need to be an event where people died and many were injured; limbs blown off.

This just didn’t need to happen.

Stay strong and pray hard.

– Louise